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"Dude. Did you hear the story going around"


"You haven't? Let me tell you. It's the story of the Dragon Prince. Here's the gist. A long time ago. When the world was ruled by Dragons, two of the highest class royalty dragons on Earth were here. The Mercy Dragons. And the Flame Dragons. Despite their names, they were both very nice people, and were the best of friends. Once the two children of the families were born, everything was perfect. Until, only a week after the babys' birth, Prince Blade, of the Flame Dragons disappeared. The Flame Dragons blamed the Mercy Dragons, and soon after went into war. This war lasted for years. And is possibly still happening today."


"My opinion? I think the Mercy's should just return the baby, if they did actually take it.


"If they didn't? Then maybe they should send someone to look for the Prince, and find his captor. I mean, what the worst that could happen. Right?

"Wow man. That is... THE BIGGEST LOAD OF BULL CRAP I HAVE EVER HEARD! You actually believe these children's tales." I yelled. "Seriously Eren. You're too old for this."

"But there are no stories!" Eren defended. "They are rumors."

"Yah. That makes it So much better." I mocked. "Come on bro. We will be late for school."

"Sorry man. I am walking with Kris." He explained. "Maybe another time."

"It's alright." I replied. "See you in class!"

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