Chapter 4. Visitor

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"So you're saying," I started. "I am possibly the lost Dragon Prince Blade?"

Yaoshida replied in a rude tone. "Key word, Possibly!"

"Sorry to say it, but that's impossible." I apologised. "I think you have the wrong person."

"See Merisiel. Even Blokko himself said it's not him." Yaoshida replied annoyed. It seemed like she wanted to get rid of me as soon as possible. Was this about what happened earlier?

"If this is about the kiss from before, I already said sorry for that!" I said bluntly.

"Do Not Bring Back That Moment In Time!" Yaoshida yelled. "I'm telling you Merisiel. Do you really think Prince Blade would say something like that?"

Merisiel stopped her. "We can't be sure until we do the summon test."

"What?" I asked. "What's a. "Summon Test".

"A summon test is where you are taken by a friend or family member to the summon square, and you summon your assistant." Yaoshida told me this as if I was an idiot, and should have known this. "It's only for people who weren't able to summon their assistant before they were 12."

"So you're saying", I started

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"So you're saying", I started. "If I take this test, I could prove I'm not Blade, and I could also go home!?"

"No!", Merisiel interrupted. "You will pass the test, prove you are prince Blade, and then help us stop the Great Dragon War!"

"No, He Won't", yelled Yaoshida from across the room. The girl really seemed to dislike me. She was so shy, and gentle before. Maybe if I hadn't thrown her bag off the roof, she wouldn't have been acting like this.

"I should find a way to make it up to her", I thought to myself as I took another bite of the candy apple Merisiel gave me.

"If I were to pass the test", I started at Yaoshida curiously. "Would stop being so... Distant?"

She looked at me as if she wanted to kill me. I swear she wanted to walk over to me, grab me by my neck, and throw me out her window.

But she controlled herself, and replied in a low tone, "Maybe I would. What is it to you?"

"Oh nothing", I responded. "Was just curious."

Yaoshida swung herself around facing me. "Yah!? Well you better keep it under control. That curiosity is bound to get you killed." She then walked past me and Merisiel slamming her door shut. We were both silent.

"Sorry about her", Merisiel started again, as if it were her fault. "Her and Prince Blade were good friends. I think she is just not ready to accept the fact you could be him."

"It's not your fault", I continued, as I slowly walked over to her. "I'm the idiot who asked her those dumb questions."

Merisiel laughed at me. Trying very hard not to be rude. "So, um. Blade."

"We haven't taken the test yet." I stopped her from speaking. "Until you have proof, I'm still Blokko. Blokko Siere"

"I know", She sighed. "I just wanted to know what you wanted to ask me."

"What?" I asked. How did she know?

"I just noticed this look of confusion on your face." She explained. "You seemed... Unsure about something."

"Well", I said, wanting to ask so many things. "First off. If I were to be Blade, what do you think my Orb Assistant would look like?"

"Oh?" She replied. "That's easy! Your Orb Assistant takes the form of a cherry blossom tree on Earth, but that has nothing to do with her real attire. She is a blond haired, purple eyed girl, with a cloud dog for a Assistant pet. Almost like Pearl. Her style isn't really focused on flowers like you were thinking." How did Merisiel know I thought she would look like a cherry blossom tree. Can this assistant read my mind or something? "Her style is more focused on clouds, and stars. She may seem all hard on the outside, but deep down, we all know, "She's A little Spoon!" Merisiel laughed so hard, she almost fell on top of Pearl. She continued to laugh at the joke I did not understand, and I began to think she was laughing at me somehow.

"Alright "Card Cat", I mocked. "What about her name. What was this assistant's name?"

"Her name?" Merisiel stood back on her feet, and continued to levitate in the air, just a couple inches off the ground. "Oh. Well. Her name is Ichigo."

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