Chapter 18. Punishment

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TW: Gore

It was her. It was the same girl I had attack in the cellar. Why was she here? Seishi said her name was Flare. What was that thing on her eye? Why was she wore a different outfit then when we first met. It was... Hard to describe.

She placed her katanas by her side legs, and walked back to Seishi. "Do you remember her?" Asked Seishi in a smug tone. "How could you really forget her."

It really was her. "But why is she here?" I asked while strangling against my chains.

"Well. Ever since your first little out burst in the cellar, my little knight Flare has been longing revenge. Because of you, she has to where that thing on her face for the rest of her life!"

I saw that Flare was looking at me in a threatening  way. 'Her injury, was because of... Me? But, that can't be right!' "That couldn't have had been me! I will admit I barley remember attacking this girl, but I never attack her directly in the fa-!"

"SHUT UP!" Yelled Flare. She began to stomp towards me, angrily. "Remember boy! You were taken over by Your jealous desire, and Your selfish feelings! You may not have remembered anything, but you have permanently damaged y body in ways that can never be treated!"

How the hell was I suppose to react to her? Say it was an accident, and that she was the one who had engaged me? No. There was nothing I could say. This women was right. It was my selfish feelings, and desires that got me in this mess. It also got the girl hurt quite badly.

This was my fault. All of it, was because of me...

"Well," Said Seishi, breaking the silence. "Now that you see the mistakes you have made, you understand you need to be punished for your actions, correct?"

'Punished?' I thought. "What kind of punishment?" Just as I asked my question, I felt the blade of an ax swipe across my palms, an the chains keeping me bound. They had been cut of! Emica began to walk towards Seishi, and the other girl. Followed by her brother.

"Why did you let me go?" I asked while standing up, and rubbing my wrist.

I wasn't given a direct answer. Instead, the Seishi, Emica, and Fumihiro had all began to walk back to the judges chair. Seishi had sat down, and Emica, and Fumihiro stood on each side of her. Emica on the right. Fumihiro on the left.

Flare had stayed put. Not one second went by when she wasn't staring at me in the most vengeful way possible. And I couldn't even see the women's eyes! I could just... Feel them. Piecing through my soul.

Seishi was standing Behind flare with her arms crossed, and a smirk on her face. "Now~. Let the punishment, Begin!" 

Seishi threw both her hands in the air, and flare didn't waist anytime to strike. She let forth her blade, and rushed in to stab me. I couldn't block or doge in time, so she managed to stab my arm.

She pulled her katana out of my arm, and I grasped it for dear life, and fell to the ground. My breath came out in choppy hinges, and the only thing keeping me from fully passing out was the pain I had felt.

I saw Flare walk up to me from the head, while I was still on the ground. She held her katana high in a attempt to stab me again. As she lowered her blade, I rolled away from her, hitting a wall. The other side were a bunch of screaming, and cheering people. It felt like I was in the ring of a boxing match. 

I tried to stand against the wall, but Flare had quickly ran over to me. She had tripped me, so I fell on my injury, and grunted in agony. She then kicked me back to the middle of the ring. Once I was lying face first in the ground, she walked over again, and lifted her weapon once more.

One after another, after another, after another. She stabbed both my arms, legs, and for added torment she stabbed the impalement on my arm 5 more time. There was blood and ripped off skin scattered all around me. The audience was loving it. 

I started to fade in and out of consciousness. My head was spinning, and my eye sight was blurry. I had started to bleed out.  

I couldn't hold this up for long. I needed to defend myself. If only I was able to turn that dragon thingy feeling inside me on and off as I pleased. It would be really useful right now.

Wait. That's it! I needed to get back in that mindset. The one I had when back in the cell. I had felt angry at that time, maybe I needed to get angry to transform into that thing. Yes . That's it!

'Things that make me angry, things that make me angry. This feeling of pain right now. I absolutely hate it. Getting kidnapped. That was a really shitty situation. Being thrown into a state of depression. One of the worst feelings ever. Having that dream about Yaoshida.-'

I stopped my train of thought. Yaoshida. Yaoshida. Thinking about her. It made me really mad. Whenever I tried to think about the fun we had had together, I can only thing about all the bad thing I had let happen to her.

'I blamed her when she was trying to protect me. I got me, her, and Merisiel kidnapped. I don't even know where Merisiel is. She was like a best friend to Yaoshida. I got the two of us locked up. When I lost control, I almost killed her!' 

The feeling of anger I had was gone. Instead it was replaced with regret, and depression. "Why the hell couldn't I protect her." I whispered under my breath. I wasn't really asking a question. It was more like I was giving an emotionless statement. "Why did I let all this happen. Why couldn't I keep her safe."

"What are you talking about!?" Yelled flare from right above him. 

She put her katana's end to my neck in a attempt to look threatening. At the time, I didn't care. She could have cut my head off right then and there. The audience had stopped screaming and cheering. Flare had dropped her sword, and bent down in front of me.

She grabbed my collar with a fist. I slowly opened my eyes to meet her gaze. When I saw her face, and threw my head back, and started to laugh.

I laughed uncontrollably. I sounded like a Psychopath. I heard the audience start to gasp and whisper. 

Flare looked at me. "What's so funny, Huh!?" She lifted me hired, and held out her other fist ready to punch my, but stopped me, when she saw my face. I may have been laughing like a mad man, but when she looked at my face, she saw I was crying. 

You know what they say. Laugh to cover up the pain~

 Laugh to cover up the pain~

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Sorry for the wait. I have been really busy with my other story, and school is almost out, so I have to plan for summer. I am still going to be updating over the summer, so don't worry. Again I am so sorry for the wait.

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