Chapter 14. Only Me

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"YAOSHIDA! I'M SORRY!" I screamed trying to explain myself. I had fallen to the ground backwards, and hit my head. 

Yaoshida began to walk over until she was standing and looking above me. She looked down on me with a death stare. "It was all your fault Blokko."

"No. No! It wasn't my fault! I didn't mean to get us into this!"



I stood up straight screaming my guts out. When I realized I wasn't fighting with Yaoshida. I calmly toke a breath, and laid back down in that same position. I was to out of everything to get up.

We laid in that sell for days. Hours after hours after hours. I would lay with her daily. It has been about three weeks since we were captured. But I hadn't moved an inch. Every day was the same thing. I would wake up, wouldn't move an inch, food would be brought to the sell around breakfast, lunch, and dinner time, but I didn't touch any of it. I would just stay on the ground with Yaoshida. I would lie with her every hour of the day. I was so depressed. I didn't want to do anything.

It wasn't good for me though. Starving myself, and not moving to keep in shape. I was hurting my body in ways that would be hard to recover from. I decided to get moving, just to keep my body from fully collapsing.

I slowly stood up. A bit wobbly, but in a movable condition. Once I stood straight, I looked at the bread, and milk at the sell door. Just sitting there. I was hesitant to eat anything. After everything that happened, I wouldn't be surprised if the drugged, or poisoned it. But, I couldn't eat nothing. I needed energy. I need to eat something. 

I walked over to the door to the door, and crouched down to eat. Honestly, it didn't look half bad. I picked up the first piece of bread, and took a bite. It wasn't anything fancy, but edible. I finished my bread, and drank half the milk. I wanted to leave some for Yaoshida.

I went back over to Yaoshida and lifted her head slightly

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I went back over to Yaoshida and lifted her head slightly. I did this thing where everyday, I would lie next to Yaoshida, and softly rub her face. It was to smooth, and soft. It was so perfect. Touching it made me calm, and at peace with myself. I never forgot about how I was the one who got us in this mess, but I still looked for comfort of being with her.

Now that I once again the motivation to move, I lifted her face back on my lap, and played with her long white, silky hair. She was still unconscious, and I felt so helpless not being able to help. The least I could do is hold her.

I heard a knock on our sell door, and saw it was the girl who brought me here. "Yo! Its time to go lover boy." She unlocked the door, and signaled for me to come out, but I was not leaving Yaoshida's side.

I turned my head back to the floor. "Go Away! I'm not going anywhere you people!" I tugged Yaoshida closer, and tighter.

"Look, you don't really have a choice!" She walked in herself, but this time there was another guard with her. This one was a male guard.

He had short, black hair, and had small, and calm red eyes. He was wearing a blue, and white uniform, with black and white lined pants, and had some gold chains, fur, and buttons on his clothing. He wore black half-cloves on his hands. I think they just made him look edgy. He also wore a cape, the same color of his uniform. And just like every other person in Kurapikasue, he had a perfect figure, and face.

 And just like every other person in Kurapikasue, he had a perfect figure, and face

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When I saw them walking closer, I tugged on Yaoshida tighter. Not to tight though. I didn't want to hurt her. "Who are you!?" I yelled. "What do you want with us!?" 

The new male guard stopped, and pulled on the female guard's cape, signaling her to stop as well. "You didn't tell our guest of honor your name!?" I made a sarcastic, yet shocked face. "How rude." He pulled his hand back from her cape. He then put his right hand across his hip, and his left hand on his left check in a mocking matter.

"What ever!" The female guard bent down, and tried to grab my hand, but the male guard grabbed her hand, and gave her a look. "Ugh! Fine!" She stood up straight above me, with a very annoyed face. "I'm Emica. And, don't you forget it! The idiot over there is my step brother, Fumihiro. Introduction are finished. Now, on your feet!" She tugged me by my shirt roughly away from Yaoshida, causing her to roll back onto the floor. 

I tried to move out of Emica's  grip, but she was to strong. I saw Fumihiro pick up Yaoshida, and softly swing her over on his back. 

I know it sounds terrible, but that fact that he was so gentle made me even more mad. I didn't want anyone to touch Yaoshida. No one could touch her but me!

I stopped struggling, and that caused Emica to stop. "Oi! You alright down there?" She looked at me, with my head down, and my arms lifeless. She thought I had died. 

She let go of my shirt, and went in front of me. She bent down to see what was wrong. When she saw me face she fell back in horror. Fumihiro came over to help her up, and see what was wrong. But he too fell back in horror.

My face. It had two red claw like streaks running up my cheek. My hair got long, and my eyes turned red, and black. I slowly lifted my head, and it was as if a gust of fire blew over the hallway. I will say, I commend myself for the new aesthetic. 


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