Chapter 13. I'll Give You What You Want

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"I WON'T!!!" I stood above Seishi, and let go of her hand harshly, while staring at her with hatred in my eyes, as I looked down on her. I began to take big steps toward her, while she laid on the ground. As I came closer, she began to crawl backwards on her hands and feet. She was horrified. "I. Will. NOT. Help you bring human kind back to this place! I. Will. NOT. Help you start a human Vs. Half-Breed war! As a matter of fact, I WON'T HELP YOU DO ANYTHING, UNTIL YOU TELL ME WHERE MY FRIENDS ARE!!" I crunched down to grab her collar, and pull her close to my face. I saw how scared she was, so I lowered my tone. "Look. All I want is to see me friends, and make sure they are ok. If you can't do that for me, then don't think about asking me anything! Got that!?" I forcefully pushed her in the dirt, and stood up above her once more. She had lowered her head in my direction. She showed no sign of sadness, nor hatred, she just sat there, in the dirt. I started to walk off. "Oh! By the way, I won't join you either way." I turned away, and continued walking away.

I suddenly felt a hand tug on my arm. I turned my head to see Seishi had her hand around my arms, and her head lowered. "Fine. You wanna see your friends? I'll show them to you." 

Before I could respond, I saw Seishi take her other hand to my arm, and she pushed her hand on the ground where I was standing. She let go, and 3 seconds later, I was falling through the ground. 

It all happened so fast, I couldn't react in time. When I had fully fallen, I saw I was in a pitch black pit. I looked up to see Seishi covering the pit with a something. It looked like a giant whine cork. 

When the pit was almost fully covered, I started to scream. "SEISHI! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" I screamed, and shouted, and tried to climb out, but my throat began to hurt, and I kept falling. I eventually hurt my back, and decided this wasn't working.

I gave up, and took some time to lie down on the dirt. It was lumpy, but it was an "excitable". I lied down just staring in the now pitch black cork. I had to think of a way out of here. I needed to stop Seishi, and find Yaoshida, and Merisiel! But how?

Just as I began to fall asleep, I heard the sound of a type of door opening. There was a female guard with a steal ax. She signaled for me to follow her. She had brown hair, a green and silver uniform, a white cape, and deep, and mysterious eyes. Now, I don't think I have mentioned that Yaoshida's kingdom has very beautiful people. Good or bad, they all just had such perfect figures, and gorgeous faces. 

I followed the girl as commanded. We walked along side each other in  the dark hallway. I couldn't stop myself from staring. She was so breathtaking.

As we walked in the darkened hallway, I was so nervous

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As we walked in the darkened hallway, I was so nervous. One, I had no idea where we were, or where we were going. And two, I didn't know this girl! She could be leading my to my execution room!

I later soon heard a sell door open in the distance of the hallway. We stopped walking, and the pretty guard had lit a fire within a lamp in her hands. With the light, I could see the open sell door, and within it, a girl lying unconcise. With farther inspections, I saw that that girl was Yaoshida.

I ran into the sell to gently life Yaoshida's head into my chest. I held her close calling to her multiple times. "GET UP! C'mon Yaoshida! You have to wake up!" I began to cry and weep as I held her close. I quickly turned my head to the guard. "HOW COULD YOU DO THIS!" I screamed. "How could you do this to her." My voice began to drift of in a sweet sigh. I had to calm myself down. 

I heard the sell door shut tight, and lock. I slowly place Yaoshida's hand down, and went to grab at the sell door, pushing it back and fourth as hard as I could, but it wouldn't budge. "Would you stop that?" The female guard from the hole earlier spoke in a annoyed tone. "Just stay here for a bit. We come back to get you two another day." The girl walked away, and called over another guard to watch over our sell door.

In defeat, I fell down to the floor, and placed my hands to the floor. I looked down horror in my eyes. After some time, I crawled back over to Yaoshida, and placed her head on my laps. This was all I could. It was the least I could do. Yaoshida tried to warn me about Kirima, or Kiri. She tried to tell me it was a trick. But I wouldn't listen. I led us both to the situation. And not I haw no clue how to make it out. "I'm sorry, Yaoshida." I whispered in her ears. 

I once again placed her head on the ground, and adjusted her body in a side way sleeping position. I laid in the same position, facing he face.

Up close, I really saw that I had underestimated her beauty. She had such soft skin, and such a sweet sent. She had long silky, wavy hair. In my eyes, she was glowing. 

Admiring all her features, I felt a flow of relief slide over my body. It was just enough reassurance I needed to get a good night sleep. I closed my eyes, filling my mind with black voids of darkness. I fell asleep, to the soothing copied picture of Yaoshida. My wonderful Yaoshida.

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