Chapter 1. The New Girl

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Oh? Hi! My name is Blokko Siere! I know. I know. Weird name. But, it's the name my adopted parents gave me. And I don't think I can change it. Right? Back on track.

I am a 15 years old adopted boy. My parents found me in a burning forest fire when I was an infant, and gave me the name Blokko. The guy from before? That's my brother, Eren. He is my best friend. Our only difference is he's really popular. Not me though. I only have like 2 friends, and I lay on the down low of things. We live in a safe, yet crowded city in Tokyo. And we are both going to UHS High (United Honorable Students). An aleat high school in Japan. That's where I am headed now. And that's where my journey begins.

"Hey Norman!" I yell out at the front gate of my school

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"Hey Norman!" I yell out at the front gate of my school.

"Hey man. What's up." This is my friend Norman. I met him in3rd grade. "Are you coming to the lockers with us?"

Some other time. Alright buddy?" I replied.

"That's alright." He began to walk down to the locker room. "Later!"

As they were walking to the front of the school, I was walking to the back. In the back of the school, is this giant cherry blossom tree. I don't know why, but it makes me really happy. I like to sit, read, draw, listen to music, watch some anime, but no matter what I do, when I sit under that tree I feel safe. Like nothing could ever hurt me.

I set down my bags, and take a seat

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I set down my bags, and take a seat. I suddenly feel calm, and quiet. Sadly that didn't last long. I put on my headphones to play some music. Senbon Zakura is my favorite song. The moment I am in feels perfect. That is until A GIRL ACCIDENTALLY TRIPS ON ME!

We both yell, "Ouch!! Hey watch where you're goin-"

We are both caught off guard. She looked me deep in the eyes, and I looked back. I still don't know why I was so speechless. She bumped into me. I should be yelling at her. But I just couldn't.

"Prince Bla-", said a little voice coming from the girls school bag.

'What was that?" I quickly responded. "It came from your school bag. What's in there"

"NOTHING!" the girl yelled. "N-Nothing.. Sorry for running into you like that. I have to go."

She quickly took off. And when I told her to wait, that just made her run faster. Only at the time of the bell ringing did I realize how late I was. If I just went to class, I could make it, but if I fix the papers, I will be really late. I couldn't go to class empty handed, so I bent down in disappointment to pick all my loose papers. But before I could, it seemed like a gust of wind blew in my direction. It was blowing my papers in order, and placing them in my hands.

"The hell was that?" I asked myself. "NO TIME!" I Ran as fast as I could to the hallway, and into class. I wasn't too late, so my teacher let me off easy.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked over to see Norman. "Dude. What happened to you? Did you drop something?"

I replied, "Kind of. There was this weird girl who bumped int-"

"Alright Students! Settle down." My teacher started. " We will be having a bit of a review day. Alright?"

"Ms. Percy, why the review all of a sudden?" My brother sitting behind me asked.

"Glad you asked Mr. Siere." She continued. "You can come in now dear! It's alright."

With our teacher's sweet soft voice, a girl, with beautiful white hair, and eyes walked in our classroom. She kept her hand in front of her. She introduced herself as, "Yaoshida Mercy".

"Students'' she started again. "This our new exchange student. Yaoshida Mercy. She just flew in from France today".

My brother shot himself up. "You Mean Like The Mercy Dragons!?"

Our teacher interrupted. "Enough of your stories Eren. You are not making a good impression on our newest student."

The teacher, and my brother fought for a bit, while I just stared at the girl. When she noticed I was staring at her, she shifted her body, and turned her head down.

"CRAP!", I thought. " I made her uncomfortable! Nice one dude. You just the worst possible thing you could to the new kid."

"Sir Siere!", The teacher began to raise her voice. "Sit. Down. Now!"

Eren child-ish-ly sat down in his seat.

"Alright!" Ms. Percy exclaimed. "Dear, please take a seat next to Blokko Siere."

The new girl politely responded. "Of course Ms. Percy."

She walked over to the desk next to me, with a face of embarrassment, and humiliation. When she had sat down and the lecture started. I tried to tell her I was sorry, but Yaoshida was not responding. I got a little too loud, and Ms. Percy had to give me a warning before I got a detention slip.

I decided to give up, and maybe try again later. Boy, was that a bad idea.

 Boy, was that a bad idea

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