Chapter 12. I WON'T

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I blindly followed this girl. I really didn't know what to do. But if it meant that I could see Yaoshida again, I was willing to do almost anything.

Seishi brought me to the changing room, where some guys were waiting for us. She handed me over to them. They gave me a bath, clean choughs, and some food. I was starting to think these people weren't so bad. Except for Seishi. There is no way she had me nocked out, and kidnapped just give me a 5 star hotel experience. Whatever she was doing, I wasn't gonna fall for it.

When I finished, I left this changing room. I kind of just started walking. I didn't really know where I was going. I was just looking for Seishi. I hoped she would take me to Yaoshida. I somehow ended up in a garden. As I was walking through the garden, I noticed that Seishi was sitting next to some flowers.

I bent down, and tapped her shoulder. "Um... Seishi?"

She looked up, a bit shocked. "Oh? Yes Blade." She smiled at me again.

I sat down next to her in her wall of flowers. "Ok, Seishi. My name is not Blade. It's Blokko."

Seishi looked at me, and chuckled. "Sure, "Blokko".

"Ok. Um- You also said you would take me to see Yaoshida. Can I see her now?" I was really worried.

"Oh, right. Yaoshida. I did say I would take you to her." Seishi's smiled faded. "Before I take you to her, can I tell you why I brought you here?"

I won't lie. I wanted the answers to that as well. "Sure."

"Great! Ok, where do I start?"

"The beginning! I want to know everything!"

"Ok! The beginning. When this universe first started, it was like Earth. It was a human society, with animals of all kinds. Mystical animals too. Like dragons, and Phenixes. It was much more peaceful as well. No one owned land, so no one could say things like, "Your on my property", or "You have to pay tax to be here!" You could go anywhere you wanted. Everyone was friend to everyone." I tried to envision the world Seishi was describing.  "It was a purified world. Until this dreadful women got attached to a dragon. She fell in love with him. And the dragon returned her feelings. They ended up having a child. But their baby wasn't Human, nor Dragon it was a Half-Breed. At first this was a miracle to everyone in our peaceful world. After some time, half-breeds began to fill our world. But some of these half-breeds felt they were better then the animals and humans. And in all honesty, they were. They drove out the animals to the human world called Earth where we had to restart society. Some thought that the mystical animals where to blame, and kicked them from the face of the Earth. No one knows where they are now. The half-breed remade our world in their image. One of the reasons why no one could no you where human. I wanted to take you."

Take me? "What are do you mean take me?"

"Even though you were a Half-Breed, you still caught my eye. I wanted to turn you to our side, and make you a worrier against the half-breeds."

"Is that why you brought me here?"

"Yes. I want you to join us."

"Join you?" I turned my head in confusion.

"Yes prince blade!" She stood, and held out her hand. "You see, I have tried to turn many half-breeds to the light side. But they never go through. They always turn back to the half-breeds. But if I can gather enough half-breeds to fight against their own kind, we might have a chance to save all the humans, and bring them back to their natural habitat." She crouched down and grabbed my two hands, and held them on her chest. "Please Blade, Please... Please join us to help save human kind. Help us to sa-"

'I WON'T!!!"

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