Chapter 10. Found You

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Kirima dragged me out onto the dance floor. I was really uneasy about this. Not like how I felt back at the entrance of the city with Yaoshida. With this girl, I was just uncomfortable.

"So," Started Kirima. "Is this you first Kurapikasue ball?"

"Um-Yah!" I replied with a nervous face. I didn't know what to say to this girl.

"What type of animal are you? I'm a yellow warbler bird."


"You know. Your trans animal. The animal form you can take?"

"Oh, Right! Animal! I'm a..." I had to think, and quickly. Yaoshida said that if someone found out I was human, they would kill me on the spot! "I'm a... CORN SNAKE! Yah. That's me. Blokko the corn snake." I was laughing on the outside, but on the inside I was dying.

"A corn snake? I've never met a corn snake! So cool!"

This girl wasn't just smiling at me. She was kinda fangirling over me. Or at least that's what my mind wanted me to believe. "Oh. Well, I guess I am pretty cool."

Kirima laughed. "Hey, Blokko. I'm gonna get a drink. Be right back." She softly let go of my hands, and walked over the bar. By the time she was out of sight, I was on the moon. Now don't get the wrong idea. I wasn't in love. This is like how the nerd of the class would feel, when a pretty new girl talks to them. Kirima ordered three drinks from the bar, and then headed to the bathroom. She was in a bit of a rush, and hoped nobody would see her. But Yaoshida had been watching us two. Mostly Kirima, and decided to wait outside

When Kirima came out of the bathroom, she tried to walk back over to me naturally, but Yaoshida stopped her. "What were you doing in the bathroom?" Asked Yaoshida noisily.

"I-was... Um... I was fixing my barea. It had titled off to the side, and I had to fix it." Replied Kirima.

Yaoshida was not buying that. "Hey," Started Yaoshida. "Can I talk to you outside for a bit?"

"Sure." Kirima gave a fake smile, and put down the drinks on the table. "Let's go."

The two girls walked out through the back of the party

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The two girls walked out through the back of the party. Once they were outside, Yaoshida leaned against one of the railings. "So, Kirima. What type of animal did you say you were? Some type of bird?"

"Um, yes." Replied Kirima. She was in distress, but she kept that fake smile on her face. "I'm a yellow warbler bird. What about you?"

"Who me? My animal isn't important at the moment. We are here to talk about you." Yaoshida stood straight and crossed her arms with a grin on her face, and began to walk towards Kirima.

"Is there something wrong? I swear, I didn't do anything!" Kirima started to walk backwards, and then trip in her shoe. "Ah!" She fell back on her head, and started rubbing the spot, to numb the pain. "What was that for!? I don't know who you think you are, but you ca-"

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