Chapter 11. My Captor

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Before I was fully passed out, I saw Kiri take the end of the rope, sling it over her back, and walk over to the rail. Throwing me over, and jumping after it. So Nonchalant. Like she had done this before. By the time we were have way down, I was fully out. So the entire way to wherever we were going, I don't remember the trip.


When I woke up, I was in some type of court room. I was chained to  pole in the middle of the floor, and there were a lot of people around me, staring as if I were a god.  (Kind of like Ereh, when they held him in court for being a Titan.)

"Ah-" I heard a women's voice speak. I looked up, and saw she was sitting  in a judge chair. She smiled at me. It was a gentle smile. Kind, and heart warming. I almost forgot I had been kidnapped. ALMOST! "You're finally awake... Blade Sniper!"

What was she talking about!? Blade? As in Blade Flame!? And Sniper? As in Kiri Sniper!? I was so confused. What was she going on about!? Non of this was making sense! "What do you mean!? My name is Blokko Siere! I don't know anything about a Blade Sniper!"

"Oh, of course." She replied with that soft voice of hers. "You don't remember." She jumped over the table that made a wall around her judge chair. She gracefully walked over to me, cupping my chin up, and looking at me. She let go and took a step back. Well, I guess we have some work to be done."

This women kind of looked like Yaoshida

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This women kind of looked like Yaoshida. With her white hair. The only difference was that she had grey eyes. Yaoshida had white eyes. Wait? YAOSHIDA! I was so lost in thought about this girl, and being kidnapped, I forgot about Yaoshida! "WERE IS SHE!?" I demanded an answer. "WHAT DID YOU DO WITH YAOSHIDA!?"

"Patient my prince. You will see her soon. If your willing to cooperate."

I wanted to know how someone could say the evilest things, in such a sweet and gentle voice. I was hesitant, but in the end, I agreed to her terms. 

"Wonderful!" She jumped with excitement. She had to men un-chain me, and help me up. She then took my hand, and we ran out of the court room. She turned to me with a bright smile on her face. "Alright Blade! You can stay with me! But I am a women of my word. First I will bring you to Yaoshida. We need her for something anyways."

What did they need Yaoshida for? I didn't think about it much. I was just happy to know that Yaoshida was alive. But where was Merisiel? Was she here to!? I grew anxious. I was worried about my friends.

The women noticed my face, and slowed down, still holding my hand, facing forward. "You know, I was really rude, wasn't I? I never told you my name." She turned to my with that same smile, bright as day. "My name is Seishi! Seishi Sniper! In Japanese, that means Spirit." Her smile. It was different. It was still so kind, and bright, and thoughtful. She looked like an angel. But her eyes. Her eyes where dull, and lonely. They looked... Dead... They were dead.

 They were dead

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"Um.. Right... Seishi. Nice to meet you." I lowered my head, and continued to walk with her.

I had so many questions. Why did she kidnap me? If she wanted my help, why didn't she just ask? Why was she calling my Blade Sniper? Why did she take Yaoshida too? Where is Merisiel? Where is Kiri? I had so many questions. I didn't really know anything at all.

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