Chapter 5. A Small Talk

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"Ok!", I started again. "Let's go summon Ichigo!"

Merisiel looked over to me very confused. "I thought you said, Sorry, that's impossible."

"I know." I replied. "But if we summon this Ichigo, and it doesn't work, I can go home, and forget this ever happened."

"Well that's one way to put it." Merisiel said in a sad, low voice.

"What's wrong Merisiel?" I asked.

"Well," She muttered. "If we find out you really aren't Prince Blade, we might have to erase your memory. It's for our people's safety."

"What!?" I yelled. "But, can't they make an exception? We may not be best friends, but I still wanna get to maybe, know you two. And I still have to get Yaoshida to forgive me!"

"That's just the way things are." She said sorely. "It's either that or we execute you" She said with a small laugh in her voice, and a grin on her face.

"Ok." I sighed. 'Wait. WHAT!?" I had only then realized what she said. "I can't die! I have parents, a brother, friends, a life, a future! You can't kill me!"

"That's not my choice." She said as she floated over to pat my head. "All we can do is wish for the best! Right?"

My world had just been flipped upside down. I didn't want to be this lost Dragon Prince, but if I wasn't there is a possibility I would be executed! What would my parents do? What would my friends do?

I didn't know anything anymore.


A while later, Yaoshida returned to her room. "Hey!" She started from her door. "I found us a ride. Let's move out!"

Merisiel and I followed Yaoshida out her door. Later, we managed to sneak outside her caste, without being seen. Had I been noticed as a human, I would have been captured, and killed on the spot.

Once outside, there was a red carriage, with what seemed to be a driver -Who was by the way, on fire- sitting, and steering.

Once outside, there was a red carriage, with what seemed to be a driver -Who was by the way, on fire- sitting, and steering

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"Come on you two

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"Come on you two." Yaoshida said as she was being helped onto the carriage, while the driver was holding her hand.

I'm not sure why, but when I saw the driver hold her hand I felt weird. I felt something between anger, annoyance, and sadness. I'm not sure why, but I angrily walked over, and got on, just so that the driver would stop holding her hand. I sat down, crossed my arms, and grunted in my seat.

"What's up with you?" Yaoshida asked.

I didn't reply. Like I said, one of the things I was feeling was anger. And part of it was aimed at Yaoshida. I really was unsure why.

"Fine then," she continued. "Stay mad".

Merisiel felt the awkward tension between us, and decided to take back to her orb form, and sit in Yaoshida's lap.

Seeing Yaoshida with Merisiel in her lap like that, I realized how cute she was. I mean, I already knew she was pretty, but I never really cared until now.

Some time had passed, and I could tell that Merisiel was asleep. She was floating up and down off Yaoshida's lap as if she was breathing in that thing.

I decided to take this opportunity.

"Hey Yaoshida?" I started. She looked at me with a small smile. I blushed, and quickly turned my head. "So-uh, sorry. About being rude at first."

"It's fine." Yaoshida replied. "I mean you had the right to b-"

I stopped her. "No. Not the whole carriage thing. I mean before all that. When I rudely looked at you in class, when I kissed you, when I yelled at you when we got here, all of it. I am really sorry."

I turned my head from where I had turned it, to see Yaoshida had put her hands in a fist, and placed them in her lap, while she was adjusting her legs.

My face turned bright red. I almost jumped out of my seat. "I-I am so sorry!! I knew it. I made you uncomfortable again, like in class. I am so so-"

"It's fine." She cut me off. "I wasn't uncomfortable. It's just that...'' She sighed. "You know, being a princess is wonderful, but the downside is, some people really don't like you. Other female creatures think you're full of yourself, and half the kingdom fears you because of your power against them."

"Wow. That must suck, doesn't it?"

"Yah, but I can't abandon them just because they don't like me. They are still my people you know."

I looked at her with bright smiling eyes, and said, "You're gonna make a great Dragon Queen."

She looked at me shocked, and blushed a little. She closed her eyes, and smiled at me. When I saw her smile, I couldn't hold myself back from her.

I moved forward...

"Were here!" the driver yelled from the front. I pushed back from Yaoshida before she could realize what I was doing, and just covered my face with my hands as Merisiel woke up from her little lap nap.

"Are we here already?" The little orb squeaked.

"Yah. Is this it?" I asked in excitement.

"Yep! C'mon!" Yaoshida answered. We came to a stop at a trail. Yaoshida paid the driver, and he headed off. After that I turned around. "Blokko, this is my city! Welcome to Kurapikasue."


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