Chapter 6. A Walk Through Town

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I was stunned in amazement. The city looked so Beautiful. I was so caught off guard, I slowly began to walk in. But Yaoshida pulled me back by my arm to stop me.

"What the hell!?" I yelled

"Yep," She yelled. "Ok. Merisiel! Do you have the dress over liquid?"

"Yes I do." Replied Merisiel with a smirk on her face. She floated over to me, and took out a vile with a strange red liquid inside.

"Wait! Are you gonna por that on me!?" I jumped back in fear, and fell onto the ground.

"Don't worry. It won't hurt you." Yaoshida was waving her hand in a cocky manner. I could tell she wanted to laugh at my less than un-graceful landing.

"Ha ha." I mocked. "Very funny."

Yaoshida turned to me. "I am serious. If Merisiel thought you were the Dragon Prince, other people will too. We don't wanna drag attention. We need to get in through this side, and get the other."

"Fine," I sighed. "But only if it won't hurt!"

 "But only if it won't hurt!"

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"Cry baby." Whispered Yaoshida, as she stuck out her tongue for a split second. She took the vile from Merisiel, and opened it, as she seductively walked over to me.

I fell back in fear. "Uh- You know what!? Nevermind! Let them crowd me!"

Yaoshida continued to walk up to me with the open vile in her hands. When she was close enough she got down on her knees and drank the vile herself.

Once it was in her mouth she began to crawl on top of me. I was bothered by this and tightly closed my eyes. But when I opened my eyes, I saw her face, only centimeters away from mine. I felt her soft lips against mine. She had kissed me.

Once she noticed I had opened my eyes, she pushed her tongue in to create a type of slide for the dress over liquid into my month. Once her lips had peeled away from mine, the magnitude of what she had kissed me

 Once her lips had peeled away from mine, the magnitude of what she had kissed me

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She had kissed me. I think I would have preferred just rubbing it on my skin, by myself.

She lightly rubbed her lips and turned back to Merisiel. "Not a word about this to anyone. Understood!?"

Merisiel had to try and contain her laughter. "Of course-." She dragged out her words in a mocking way.

Yaoshida decided to drink the last of the red liquid to disguise herself, since she was the princess. "Whatever. Hey! Blokko." She yelled. "You coming or what?"

"Uh Y-Yah. I'm coming." I stood up like a possessed doll, but my mind was racing like a freight train.

All I could think about was the kiss. "Why did she kiss me!? Why didn't she warn me!? Wasn't she annoyed that I kissed her!? Is this her petty way of getting revenge!? What should I-"

My train of thought was cut off. "Blokko? The entrance is this way. What are you doing back there?"

I realized that Yaoshida, and Merisiel had already made their way half way up the hill.

"Hold On! I'm Coming!" I ran up the hill, and tried to catch up to them. I was kinda excited at first, but now I was just confused.


As we made it to the entrance Merisiel had taken back her orb form, and hidden in Yaoshida's white veil.

"Ok if we keep going through here, we should make it to the summoning circle in at least one hour... Blokko?" Yaoshida saw me behind her looking in awe at her wonderful city.

I was beautiful. Every street was lit up, it was like walking in a rainbow. "This place... It is so beautiful! Will you show me aro-" I was going to ask her if she could show me around, but I got a glimpse of her lips again, and was caught silent. "Sorry... Nevermind."

Yaoshida could read me like a book. 'Ugh! Fine c'mon." She grabbed my arm, and pulled my to another road down the street. I nagged at her. Telling she really didn't need to take me on a detour. But when she stopped pulling at me, I was amazed.

It was a beautiful lively street corner. It had stores, and shopping malls. It was wonderful. "This is just like the streets of Japan! It looks just like home." I chucked. "C'mon Yoshida! Lets go."

I grabbed Yaoshida's arm and ran down the street with her. She was never really allowed to be down here much, so seeing all the sights made that gloomy face light up. The two of us had a great time.

 The two of us had a great time

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