Chapter 16. That's Enough Pt. 2

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"How the hell are you still able to walk?" I asked in a questionable tone. I saw her limping over to me with her deep stab wound.

Once she was close enough, I would say about 7 feet from me, she reached for a sword that was on her side, hanging off of her hip. She held it in her hand confidently, and pointed it at me, signaling a battle.

I examined this girl. I could tell she was strong, but not strong enough for me. Still, she came all the way over here, probably knowing she would lose. That toke guts. I decided to pity her.

Once again, I lifted my hand, stiffened it, and them pointed it in the direction of the impaled girl. When I sent my ropes of fire in her direction, she quickly dropped her swords, and grabbed both of the ropes, stopping them in their tracks.

When I saw she had grabbed my ropes, and stopped them, and tensed my face, and body, and used this new found power to push her back.

"How ungrateful!" I complained nonchalantly. I continued to push the new girl back to the wall were she was walking from before. "I give you a second chance to die easily, and you still don't except."

"I'm sorry," she replied. "But I was ordered to bring to your trial room unconscious. That means I am not aloud to die at the likes of you." Her words drained small amounts of her energy. Had I not left her that stab wound, she would have had a fighting chance. But she was weakened, and unable to use her power to their full extent.

I was really done with girl. My face didn't show but I was quite pissed. I tried to push her into the wall, and finish what I started, but she shocked me. And I mean visibly shocked me.

I used my power to push harder, but she barley moved an inch.

I had enough of this girl. I lifted my other hand signaling a third fire rope to push its way out of the ground. I shot it straight at the girl, and smashed into the ground. I lowered my ropes. 

Once I was sure I couldn't hear any more signs of life coming from the girl, I turned around, and began to walk over to Yaoshida.

"You fought well," I whispered under my breath. "But now It is time for you to rest."

As I walked over to Yaoshida, lying there bloody, and dirty on the floor, I bent down, and caressed her face softly. Even in this state, she still looks so beautiful. I smiled at this, and was about to lift her in my arms bridal, until I felt a hard hit to the head, and fell to the ground, on top of Yaoshida.

Before I passed out, I saw that girl from earlier. And I could ever so slightly hear her say, "That's enough, Prince Blade! Its time to give up, and do as your told."

Then I passed out.


 When I woke up, Noticed I was in this odd room. Wait...? This Was The Court Room I Was In Before! But... Why was I back.

I tried to get up, but realized My hands were tied to the same pole I was tied to before. I mean what did I think? If I was in the same court room, it was likely I would be tied to the same pole.

 I mean what did I think? If I was in the same court room, it was likely I would be tied to the same pole

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I stopped struggling, and fell on my knees to the floor. Too much was going on for me to think of a way to get out of the state I was in.

While I was zoned out, I started to here a door from behind me open. Hundreds of people started flooding into the court room. All the seats on the sides of me where filled, and the once quiet room became a place of chatter, and gossip.

After some time the room went dead silent. Everyone was staring at me. They weren't creepy stares or anything, they were just... Stares.

When every one had stopped staring at me, I saw that it was because there was someone up front. Someone standing in front of the the judges chair. I looked up to see what had gotten everyone's attention.

I saw a girl standing there. She had long white hair, and silver eyes. From far away, they looked kind of blue. She wore a knee length white, blue, and black short sleeved dress, black shackles on her wrists, and a blue and black bow in her hair.

After further inspection on this girl, I realized it was Seishi! She lifted her head, and pushed both her hands forward in a means to create suspense

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After further inspection on this girl, I realized it was Seishi! She lifted her head, and pushed both her hands forward in a means to create suspense. The audience started screaming and cheering for Seishi. Clapping, and waving at her.

Suddenly there where the two guards from before. It was  Emica, And Fumihiro. Emica was walking on the left side of me, and Fumihiro one the right. 

Once they were right across from me, and each other, they got down on their knees and bowed down. "You honor." They both stated at the same time. 

I couldn't believe it. How were they still alive!? I killed them! Or almost killed them. How are the able to be here? And why are the acting like nothing happened!? That brought on other questions. Where is that girl in the uniform. The one in the military's commander uniform? Why wasn't she here?

On further inspection, I noticed the siblings had on bandages rapped around there stomach. 'So that's why they are feeling better than before. It still doesn't explain why they are able to move, and talk clearly. The injuries I left them with where fadle. It should've three months to heal. Six months at second best! So how ate they still here, and in full function?'

I wasn't paying attention to them anymore, so I didn't notice that they had untied me, and had thrown me a bit closer towards the judges chair. 

"Now~ Ladies and Gentlemen," Seishi started. "Shall we start? We can't keep our wonderful guilty party waiting~" Seishi spoke in a very deep tone. I had no idea what was going on, but I knew I wasn't going to like it very much.

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