Chapter 19. Awakened

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Flare looked horrified. How could someone in this state just laugh their ass off. While at the same time breaking down in tears.

She dropped me, and I fell to the floor. I continued to laugh in a low tone. Flare was very angry at my response to her torture. She felt like I was mocking her.

She ran over, and kicked me again. I went flying against the siting stand. Once I hit the wall, the crowd started cheering again.

Flare ran over again, and flipped me over her shoulder on the ground. "HOW DARE YOU LAUGH AT ME!? I SHOULD KILL YOU!"

She took her katan, and and started jump on top of me. Each time harder then the one before. "You think this is some joke? HUH!?" Her words came out in chopped breaths. "Well. I guess I will have to BEAT IT OUT OF YOU!" 

She lifted her katana over head of me. I stopped laughing and gasped. That's when I felt it in my chest. She had stabbed me. Right in my heart. It took me a second to actually comprehend what happened. But it was too late now.

There was blood spilling out of me, and I felt nauseous, and shaken. Flare held her katana by its end and was breathing quite heavily with her foot on top of my chest.

She waited, and waited, and waited, until...

I stopped.

I had finally stopped breathing. The room went quiet. My head tilted to the side, and hit the floor like a rock. I wasn't showing any signs of life, and Flare looked down upon me with exhilaration in her eyes. She was ecstatic. 

She bulled her weapon from my body, and lifted her bloody katana in the air with one hand. "You see this everybody!? The dragon prince... HAS BEEN SLAYED!" With those words, Flare was awarded with a standing ovation. People were cheering her name like cheerleaders.

She walked up to Sieshi while I laid there dead. Even in this state, I was still fully aware of what was going on around me. I still could feel the pain in my chest. I still felt the ear raping pain from all the cheering.

I was angry.

But it wasn't the angry I had felt before. This felt more familiar. More calm, and serene. I was much more in control than the last time.

I felt my heart start to beat in my chest. I then started to turn myself over on the ground. I straightened my self, and shock me head. 

Everything became more clear. I could clearly hear people whispering about me. Seems they had noticed my sudden movement. Some others were yelling against Flare. But the normal human couldn't hear them. 

I stood on my hands and knees until I caught my breathe. I than stood up straight with my head down, and turned to Flare who had stopped him her tracks.

She slowly turned her head to my direction. When she got a full glimpse of me she dropped her blade. "H-How are you... How Are You Still Alive!?"

The room went silent. Seishi, and the siblings were staring at the two of us. Waiting to see the final result.

The room got warm. If got that same hot feeling in my body. It felt like burning lava was being porn onto my body, but it felt normal. Then a spear found itself around my foot. It gathered at the bottom, and washed its way over me. 

My hair had turned a darker red, and was longer than before. I didn't have those red scars up my cheek anymore either. I looked down and saw that I was now in a black, and gold suit with a belt buckle, and a harness.

I lifted my hand in the air, and lifted my head in a cocky manner. "You know Flare... You should learn to finish your target when you have the chance."

I was fully ready. 

Fully charged. 

Fully Awakened.

Flare had fully turned around now, and had her jaw dropped down low

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Flare had fully turned around now, and had her jaw dropped down low. I snickered a little at her current state. She fell to the ground, not taking her eyes off of me.

I began to smirk as I slowly walked up to her. She turned over and started to crawl back to the podium behind her where Seishi was standing. 

I extended the fire in my hand to reach out for both her legs. They tied around her ankles, and lifted her back over to me.

She started to squirm, and shake herself out of the fire's grasp, but it was too tight for her. She fought as hard as she could but she wasn't strong enough. While she was strangling against my boiling pull, that thing covering her eyes had fallen off. 

I brought her close to my face, and held her upside down. I looked deep into her scared eyes. They were a light red. Probably from her injury.  

"Wow~" I said sarcastically. "This is the women I got beat to a crisp by? How utterly disappointing."

Flare just screamed as she tried to free herself from my fiery grasp, but I was just too strong for her. "What happened Flare? What happened to the vengeful warrior that tried to slay me before?"

I let go of Flare for a split second so she was lower. Then when she was just about to hit the ground, I grabbed her by her ankles and pulled her so that her head met my face once more.

At this point I was just mocking her. She was screaming in utter despair, and I was having the time of my life.

'This is what she deserve... Right?'

I stopped myself from thinking against what I was doing, and threw Flare in the air. I caught her by her head, and neck so now she was grabbing at my fire ropes while swinging her feet around like crazy.

My one hand was fueling the fire rope, while my other was open, and free. I used my opened hand, and let it out in front of me. It then relisted a mighty blast that set cage like explosion's.

I began to walk over to the sudden explosion I had made. I had planned to drop Flare in the flames, and then take out Seishi.

As I walked over to my flames, and hung Flare over her death I heard the noise of a opening latch.

I looked behind me, and I saw Seishi had opened a door. It had apparently been hidden in the back of the court room, so I hadn't noticed. 

I noticed that there seemed to have had been a figure walking up behind her. 'Another opponent for me to kill. How sad.'

I threw Flare to a wall instead of in the fire, and turned completely towards Seishi. I made another fire rope ready to attack, but I could never prepare myself for what I saw.

It. Was... Yaoshida?


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