Chapter 8. Invatation

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Once me and Yaoshida had left the street corner, we saw a purple ord, flurrying towards Yaoshida, and I.

"Hiya." The orb squeaked as it quickly changed forms. "Look! The people at the assistant clothing store gave me a makeover!"

"Wow Merisiel," Clapped Yaoshida. "You look great!"

"Yah. This new look is totally your thing." I added on. I didn't really know what to say. And I didn't want to seem rude.

"I see Pearl got a makeover too." Added Yaoshida. "And a... Double!" We saw that Merisiel had two assistant pets, instead of one.

"I found the little guy on the street. I couldn't let him just stay there!" She whimpered. "His name is Coral. Cute right? I thought of it to match Pearl."

"Yaoshida had already started petting the new pet. "He's adorable!" She said while softly smooshing Coral's face.

Merisiel stopped petting him. "I know he is cut, but look at me!" Yaoshida, and I both looked up to see Merisiel had lifted herself into the air. "Don't I look wonderful!?"

"You three look amazing, but we need to get back on track!" Yaoshida called Merisiel back down

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"You three look amazing, but we need to get back on track!" Yaoshida called Merisiel back down.

"Oh Yaoshida," begged Merisiel. "Can't we stay a little bit longer? You do have to pay back Prince Blade for going shopping with you, and tonight would be the perfect night for that!"

"What's happening tonight?" I asked.

Yaoshida sighed, and turned to my direction. "Tonight there is a big dance part. The Kurapikasue ball. Right in the center of Kurapikasue City. It happens every once a year."

"Yah! It's awesome! There is music, dancing, and cake! So much cake..." Merisiel began to salivate at the thought of cake.

"Nope!" Stopped Yaoshida. "Nope. Nope. Nope . Nope. No! Last time we let you get near the cake you ate it... With your face! After that, it fell over. My parents scolded me for a week!"

Yaoshida and Merisiel argued about whether to go or not. I didn't really know what to say. "W-Well, it sounds fun. Maybe we could all go together this year?"

The girls turned to me. Before Yaoshida could me we had to go, Merisiel dashed over. "Great! That's two to one. You're out voted Yaoshida. We are going to the Kurapikasue Ball!"

Yaoshida pushed out of Merisiel grasp. "Ok, what about our outfits!? Your not suppose to wear a Kimono to the Kurapikasue Ball, and we don't have the time to change!"

"I can change you two when we get there." Answered Merisiel. "I'm the only one not wearing a kimono, and I have a good spell I could use to change your outfits!"

"Bu-" Yaoshida tried to argue, but it was too late. Merisiel had already started pushing us to the center of Kurapikasue.


About an hour later we had finally come up to the entrance to the party. I looked small on the inside, but the girls assured me it was much bigger on the inside. I thought they were lying, because the entrance was so small, but I saw big buildings like in the city behind it.

 I thought they were lying, because the entrance was so small, but I saw big buildings like in the city behind it

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Before we could walk in, Merisiel pushed Yaoshida, and I to the side of the entrance where no one could see us. "Alright, Let's begin!" Merisiel grabbed one of her spell books, and turned me, and Yaoshida's backs to each other. "No peeking." She leaned over to me, and whispered in my ear, "That goes for Prince Blade. Hehe."

I started blushing like crazy, and squeezed my eyes shut. Merisiel began to cast the changing spell. It felt cold, and uncomfortable, but she finished, I felt warm, soft.

"Ok! You two can open your eyes now!" She stepped back after giving us instructions.

I was really curious to see what I had on, And when I looked down, approval wasn't even a word anymore. What I had on was beyond that. Not that it was the fanciest thing ever, but it was so comfy, I could sleep in it. "What is the stiff made of?"

"Do you really wanna know?" Meraiel looked at me concerned.

"You know what? Nevermind." I changed my mind quickly. "Any who, Let's see Yaoshida's lo-..." I didn't know what to say. It was like before. I was so mesmerized by her beauty, adn this simply reminded me of that.

"How do I look?" Asked Yaoshida "Is it all ri-"

Merisiel stopped her from talking, and ran to hug her. "You. Look. Beautiful! I did well with this one." She let go of Yaoshida. "Ok! Now we are ready. Let's head inside! C'mon guys!"

"C'mon Blokko!" Yaoshida grabbed my hand, and took off again. Just like before. It was wonderful. Being able to do it again.

 Being able to do it again

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