Chapter 7. Shopping Trip

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I ran through the streets, wanting to see everything. But I noticed Yaoshida also was lost in thought having seen her beautiful for the first time in forever.

"Hey!" I called out to her. "What if me and you go shopping?"

"I don't need to go shopping." She replied. "I would only buy flowers, and a new wardrobe. And my closet is already full. My garden too. Where would I put everything?"

I didn't get her. "Are you trying to humble brag? Gosh, you suck at it." I laughed. "C'mon. Let's buy you a new outfit. Those fancy clothes kinda make you stick out."


"You are definitely humble bragging. Now c'mon!" I grabbed her hand once again, and took her down a street I thought looked cool.

"Hey!" Gasped Yaoshida. "There is a kimono mall down here!"

"Well then let's go!" I shouted in an excited voice. "We can buy you a new Kimono!"

We ran down the street, and Yaoshida led the way to the kimono mall. It was a wonderful experience.

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