Chapter 21. Snap Out Of It

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(TW: Detailed gore writing ahead)

'What!?' I thought. 'How am I suppose to bring myself to kill her?'

My thought process was once again cut off by another attack from Yaoshida. I jumped out of the way just in time. She left a small cut on my shoulder. As Yaoshida continued to attack me, I continued to use my fire whip to break away at her moves.

As I landed to the ground, I only had a few seconds of rest, before I was forced to doge another attack.

I tried to use my whip to tie down Yaoshida's arms. Before they made it to her body, the dragon skeleton coiled around her body took the hit for her. It then broke out of the wip, and slithered back over Yaoshida as she continued to charge more attacks.

I continued to try and tie around Yaoshida, but she always made her way around my attack. I thought I saw an opening to get close to her, so I charged at her, but her skeleton was to quit, and threw me back in my place.

I landed on all fours, scratching my suit, with some dirt on my cheek. As I tried to stand and get back in my stance, Yaoshida had sent another flurry of attacks. I was sent flying against the wall, and dropped my head.

I heard Seishi chuckle from across the room. "What's this? It the little dragon boy to soft to kill his little princess?"

"Seishi, I'll kill you!" I shouted from across the room.

"I don't think that will be in your best interest." Seishi responded. She started to slowly walk over to Yaoshida, and started to glide her hands down her body, stopping at her waist.

"You see, Yaoshida is under the control of my power. She is connected to me. If I die, she goes down with me." Seishi smirked in my direction. She new she had the upper hand.

I stood there in silence. What should I do? What could I do?

I suddenly fell to my knees, using my hands to support myself. "What could I do?"

That question ringed through my mind like an alarm clock that wouldn't go off no matter how hard I hit it. 

I was just some normal boy how ended up here on accident. If anything, I'm the reason this is all happening now.

How could I convince myself that I could actually help everyone? How did I think I could be the prince everyone needed?

These question just kept swirling and swirling in my mind. I didn't know what was going on anymore.

While in the middle of dwelling in self pity, I heard a slash coming from the other side of the room. I quickly looked up with small tears in my eyes to see a Seishi panting on the  right side of the room. Yaoshida, the left.

The dragon skeleton was stilled coiled above Yaoshida's head. Her eyes still and ember red. Before I could take note of what happened I saw the skeleton quickly dart for Seishi. 

The skeleton grazed Seishi's face leaving a small scar. I could ever so slightly see the same scar start to form on Yaoshida's face. 

The skeleton continued to throw it's self at Seishi, leaving small scars over her body. Both the girls were now covered in blood. Panting and washing off in their own sweat. I saw Yaoshida's eyes start to flicker. As they did I had to stand myself up straight before running over to her.

"Yaoshida!" I yelled while running to her side. Before I could move in to hold her, she held out her hand and pushed my back.

"Blokko," She spoke in between pants. "I need you- to break a hole through that wall behind Seishi. There is a forest with a cliff at the end.  I- I have a plan."

Without questioning anything I summoned my fire whip, and quickly lashed at the wall. Seishi jumped in surprise, and before she could respond Yaoshida took my wrist, and dashed out.

As was ran through the cold air, I tried to take in my surroundings. It was cold. The air was cold and made my throat hurt. I could see the air coming out of my body as I took deep breaths. There were small flaky feelings all around me.

'Is it... Snowing?' I thought while I kept running through the cold woods. 'Is it winter here already?'

As we ran through the woods together I started to feel the thick air in my lungs get thinner. We neared the end of the forest.

As we ran out of the forest and came closer to the cliff, I pulled on Yaoshida's hand signaling her to stop. She turned to me and pulled my arm back with hers. 

We made it to the edge of the hill and Yaoshida looked up to me.

"Yaoshida," I started. "What is going on!? You haven't told me what this plan was!"

"I don't need to." She replied

I suddenly heard footsteps come from behind me. Before I could turn around I felt Yaoshida yank her hand away from my and push my back as hard as she could. I felt my body fall back in slow motion onto what seemed to be another person.

I looked up and caught a glimpse of Yaoshida falling down the hill with a smile on her face. The person under me pushed me off and ran to the hill.

I stood up and saw it was Seishi. In that moment I wanted to strangle her, but when she turned around she had a look of sorrow all over her face. I only got a small look at it before her face seemed to have been pushed in by air itself.

She suddenly fell to the ground and blood started to spill all around her.

What. The fuck. Just happened?

'You see, Yaoshida is under the control of my power. She is connected to me. If I die, she goes down with me.'

"Was that it. If that's the case then Yaoshida... Yaoshida..."

I suddenly fell to the the ground too. I turned my head to the sky before letting a out a blood cry. In that moment everything disappeared.

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