Chapter 15. That's Enough

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When I began to stand on my feet, I look at the two siblings with a sinister smile. 

Emica wasted no time. She drew her ax, and charged full speed at me. But she wasn't fast enough. I swiftly lifted my hand and sent her, and her weapon flying. Emica flew back to the end of the hall on her back, and fell to the ground.

Fumihiro Drew a blue and gold bow and arrow, and aimed his shot at me. "Dued, You need to calm down! What's got you so heated!?"

 "Dued, You need to calm down! What's got you so heated!?"

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I didn't answer. I did another foul swope with my hand and pointed I my hand at him. A bullet of fire shot at lighting speed. Fumihiro jumped out of the way. Just. In. Time. A nanosecond later, and her would have lost a leg.

Fumihiro jumped on the wall, and shot his arrow. I left a bloody scratch on my shoulder. I didn't flinch though. I simply made more fire bullets, and shot them one after one at the boy. A few of them hit Emica. But I didn't care.

I was out of my mind. I didn't care about anything, but killing these two. Killing These Two... Killing These Two... Killing These Two...

That  all I wanted . I wanted these two to die. I used whatever power had over taken my and made two types of fire ropes. 

I grabbed them both by one leg with the ropes. I lifted them in the air, and gave them a look that said your time has come. "Now... What. Shall I do... With you..." But I already knew the answer to that. I lifted them higher, and smashed them into the ground. "AH- HAHAHA!" I laughed hysterically. I smashed there bodies into the ground multiple time. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten. Eleven. Twelve. Thirteen. Fourteen. Fifteen. I don't think I gave them much room to breath.

When I had finally stopped, I dropped them from my ropes grip. I pulled them back, and had my flicker into sprats till they were gone. I fell to my knees, and saw that my hair was back to normal. My eyes were fine again, and the scars on my cheeks were gone.

I still felt a weird aching on my eyes. I placed my hand on it trying to numb the pain. My eye felt hot. It felt like lave was poring in my eye sockets. But it didn't hurt. It felt like lava, but it didn't hurt. It felt natural. Like this was something that happened often. 

I removed hand away from my eye. Now that I was myself again, I really had no idea what happened. I was tired, but I managed to stand. There were sparks all around me, and the hallway was destroyed.

I began to walk down the torn up hall, and called for the others. "Fumihiro?! Emica?! Yaoshida?!" I don't know why I called her name. I new she was still unconscious. Maybe it was wishful thinking telling me, "Maybe ruckus woke her up!" But anyways, I didn't get a response from anybody. I walked consciously forward. 

I toke about three steps before I felt something under my feet. I looked down, and was horrified. It was Emica's bloody body on the floor. She looked lifeless. When I slowly lifted my head, and also saw Fumihiro bloody body as well. 

Behind him, was the worst of all... Yaoshida's leg had been broken off. There was blood flowing onto the floor. The sight of it all brought me to my knees. I was visibly shaking. My eyes where wavery, and I couldn't move. I covered my shivery lips with my hand, and looked over to Yaoshida. I  ran over to her, trembling at the sight around me.

Once I was at her side, I bent down, and held her bridal style. I looked at her closed, lifeless eyes. I cried. I cried to her. I fell with her in my arms and screamed as loud as I could. I didn't care if anyone could hear me, I didn't care if anyone was coming. I cried, and screamed, and wouldn't let go of her bloody body.

I needed to let out my anger. On anything. Everything.

I felt it. That feeling I had when I turned into that... Thing! My hair had grown again. Those red streaks up my check were once again visible. Both my eyes were red, and now both of them felt like lava. I really was about to destroy something. I slowly lifted my arm. I was about to bring back one of those fire rope things, but before I could do anything, I felt something go through me.

I felt a sword stab through me skin. Right through my heart. Had I still been in a fully human form, I would be dead, but because I was in this Dragon form, I lived. It was still really painful, so I was still really pissed. I looked down at the stab wound. I was caught off guard for a second, but regained my self, and smirked.

I quickly lowered my hand, pulling back up those fire ropes from before, and rushing it at the person who stabbed me. Once I through them against the wall, I dropped the rope from my far off grip, and them pulled the object used to stab me. When I removed it from my flesh, I saw that it was a red, and black type of fancy red sphere.

 When I removed it from my flesh, I saw that it was a red, and black type of fancy red sphere

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"What?" I asked myself. "Who's is this? Hm. Whatever." I threw the sphere in the direction I threw my attacker. I thought it would have hit them, but boy was I wrong.

In the distance after I threw that Sphere, I heard some foot steps. They were slow, and faint. Obviously, the person was wounded. I must of hit them with that Sphere. My throw was spot on.

As the human figure came into few, I say it was a girl in a type of military's commander uniform. She had long red hair, and eyes. Kind of like mine. She wore gold tassels on her uniform. Had she not not been covered in blood, she would've looked like this.

 Had she not not been covered in blood, she would've looked like this

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