Chapter 20. Old Ties

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I looked at the two of them shocked. Seishi was some what in front of Yaoshida, but I payed no attention to her. I couldn't take my eyes off her. She looked brain dead. No. Worse then brain dead. She was wearing a shaggy black dress with a darker black chain around it.

Her eyes were glowing a bright, and evil red. Her skin was pale as ever. She had these two grey horns sticking out of her head. They were so small, and pale. But that wasn't the worst part. She had this... Thing around her neck. She seemed to have been petting it. It was a skeleton. A dragon skeleton.

"I see your quite surprised to see her," Started Seishi. "Bet you weren't expecting this, were you?"

I slowly turned my head to look directly at Seishi. She stopped walking and looked at me with a cocky smile. I began to walk up to her. As I got closer to her, wide eyed, and everything I could feel my hand getting hotter by the minuet.

"What. Did you do. TO YAOSHIDA!?" As I screamed out my words, and lifted my hand to her face to release a giant fiery explosion. There was aloud bang, and then smoke everywhere.

I let out harsh blast in that same spot, angry, and really not carrying what they were hitting. Once I finally finished blasting at Seishi I took a huge heave in of breath, and then started to lower my hand, and then back up.

'Where is she?'  I thought to myself. I couldn't see anything in the smoke. There was too much of it. I looked around franticly for Sieshi. I was ready to beat her to a pulp. "COME OUT AND FIGHT ME YOU LITTLE MACHIAVELLIAN!"

"How rude." I heard a voice in the distance. I turned my head behind me to where the sound was coming from. "Didn't your mother teach you to be polite to the females you meet?"

When the smoke cleared up, I saw what looked like Sieshi's silhouette. I lifted my hand to let out another blast. But before I could, I noticed another silhouette next to her.

As the smoke cleared in front of me, I got a good view of the face next to Sieshi. It was Yaoshida. As my view focused more on Yaoshida, I noticed her hand stretched out in front of her. After a few seconds I realized that the smoke wasn't clearing. Yaoshida was using some type of power to collect it. She held the smoke in her hands before the smoke started to change colors. It looked white.

The color wasn't the only thing that had changed. The consistency was different to. I couldn't feel it, but seeing was enough to understand what it was. The smoke had turned to snow. It was now a moving ball in her hands.

Before I could say anything Yaoshida had shot the snow ball directly at me. I managed to doge it, but just barley. Before I could even land, Yaoshida had already shot another attack my way. The only thing I could do was use my fire whip to break the ball in half.

When I landed on the ground, I looked over to the girls. Sieshi had an evil smile spread across her face, but Yaoshida? It was like she wasn't even there. She wore the same blank expressions on her face.

"Yaoshida!" I called out. "It's me! Blokko! I'm your friend! I don't know why you're doing this, but it needs to stop! You wouldn't want to hurt your friend would you?"

Sieshi responded for her. "She can't hear you. The only way to defeat her... Is to kill her."

(Sorry for the short chapter. I didn't really like the way this came out. I hope I can do better on the next one. Thank you for your patience, and support.)

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