Chapter 16

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Annabelle's POV

"He's awake?" I asked. I went to run out but Hook grabbed onto me.

"James take her back to her cell and try not to get stuck in it this time." Hook said. James grabbed me.

"Wait. You promised my necklace." I said. Hook just shooed me away and James took me outside. "James please just let me see Peter. " I said.

"I can't do that. You already made me look bad." He said.

"Well I would hate to have to do it again." I said.

"What?" He asked. I kicked him and he let go. I ran away and James was running after me. I almost reached Peter's cell but James grabbed me and covered my mouth before Peter would have been able to see me. I started to squirm and kick but James's grip didn't loosen. I bit his hand and he took his hand off my mouth.

"Let go of me!" I shouted. He started to pull me. But then I heard Peter's voice.

"Annabelle!?" Peter shouted. I started to cry. I wanted to scream his name but James's hand was on my mouth again. He pulled me away. I ended up back in the cell. I was pounding on the door trying to get out but it was useless. I fell to the floor. Peter was awake. That was a start. Hopefully he has his magic back to.

Peter's POV

All I could see was darkness. I couldn't move or open my eyes. I could hear everything that was going on. I tried using my magic but it wasn't working. I was still lost with what happened. I was thinking to myself when I heard someone come into the cell. I atleast think that's what I'm in. I mean they have to unlock it to come in. But I heard someone approach me.

"Peter." They whispered. It was Annabelle.  She sprinkled something on me, I think it was pixie dust. She put a key in my Palm and gave me a quick kiss then she left. I heard the door click close. Hook came down and him and Annabelle were talking. I heard them leaving. I tried to move and I felt my hands tighten around the key Annabelle gave me.

When I was sure they were gone I tried to move and I could. I sat up but I was light headed. I looked at the small space I was in. I tried to see if my magic would work but it wouldn't. I started to get angry. I have never felt so vulnerable. I decided to hide the key. I had to wait for the right time to get out. I needed my powers back so I could make sure that both Annabelle and I could escape. I heard someone come down to the cell. It was James. This was all his fault.

"Your awake." He said. He was surprised.  I just looked at him. He ran off probably to tell Hook. I sat back down. A couple minutes later I heard someone running towards my cell I stood up I couldn't see who it was. I heard someone chasing the first person. I heard some struggling then I heard Annabelle's voice.

"Let go of me." She yelled but I could hear her being pulled away.

"Annabelle!?" I yelled. I needed to know that she was ok. There was no respond. I heard some one coming. I unlocked the door but I didn't leave I stood by the door and pushed it just enough so it wasn't closed but it looked like it was. Hook approached me.

"Well hello Pan. It's nice to see you again." He said.

"Well hello Hook." I said. I noticed something hanging out if Hook's pocket. It looked familiar. I realized that it was Annabelle's necklace.

"It's nice to see that you are awake. You know Annabelle was so happy when she found out you were awake." He said. "I can see why you love her Pan." I rolled my eyes. "You do know that she is very powerful?" He was annoying me.

"Are we done here?" I asked. Ready to burst out.

"One last thing. He pulled out Annabelle's necklace and gave it to me. "If you even think about trying to escape I will kill her." He said. He walked away I looked at the necklace and saw that there was still some pixie dust left. I needed to talk to Annabelle and make sure she was ok. I needed to try and talk to her through a dream.

Annabelle's POV

I needed to get out of this room and see Peter. I was full if energy but I started to get really tired and sleepy all of a sudden. I fell asleep.

I was in Peter's cell and Peter was standing there. I was confused.

"Annabelle this is real. I'm talking to you through a dream." He said. I ran up and hugged him.

"Peter your ok." I said. he hugged me back.

"I'm ok but I don't have my magic." He said.

"It's probably from the drug they put into you. Hook said it disables your powers for a while." I said. I saw he had my necklace on. "You have it." I said. Peter looked down.

"Hook gave it to me." He said. He took the necklace off and put it on me. "But Annabelle I need you to get more pixie dust and find a way to get it to me."

"How am I supposed to get pixie dust?" I asked. I was starting to fade away.

"Believe." He said. Then I woke up in the dark room.

I looked down to see my necklace. Believe I thought. I looked down to see the little tube full and the whole room was glowing. Now I just need to get it to Peter. But how? Maybe I could talk to him through a dream. I heard someone opening the door. Probably to give me food. I was gonna make a run for it. When the man came in I did. But when I got past him I saw Hook standing there. Frick I thought.

"Going somewhere Annabelle?" Hook asked. I had to get around him.

"You know what I believe I am." I smirked. I ran right past him and when he went to grab my arm I moved it. Peter's cell wasn't that far, when I got there Peter looked surprised.  He got up and walked over to me. I handed him the necklace. "Here you go." I said. Peter looked surprised still.

"Annabelle what are you doing? How did you get out?" He asked. Before I could answer Hook came up and grabbed me. Peter had hid the necklace and Hook couldn't see it. I saw Hook's face and he didn't look happy. Hook started to pull me away.

"It's gonna take alot more than a room to keep me locked up." I said to Hook. I don't know why but I felt adrenaline rushing through me. Hook pulled me into his cabin and locked the door. Not this game again. I thought.

"Why would you run to Pan when you knew you were going to get caught?" He asked. I didn't want him to know that something was up so I had to play it off like I needed to see him.

"I was just making sure he was ok." I said.

"Well he won't be for very long." He said.

"What do you mean?" I asked. I was scared now.

"You'll find out eventually." He smilied. I pushed Hook.

"What are you going to do to him?" I asked. Hook started to laugh.

"Not going to do, what I am doing right now." He chuckled. I turned and I unlocked the door and I ran out. I ran down to Peter's cell but he was gone. I felt someone tap my shoulder.  I jumped, but when I turned I saw Peter. I gave him a hug. He put my necklace on me.

"Your ok." I said.

"Of course I am. Now shall we make an exit?" He asked.

"Of course." I said. We ran up on the deck. He grabbed my hand and we flew away.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

We got to camp and all the lost boys were asking us questions.

"Every body calm down. Just please leave us alone for a while we are fine. Nothing happened." Peter said. He pulled me into his tent. "Annabelle you can't tell the list boys."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I don't want them thinking of me as weak." He said. "You get some rest, I have to go do something and please don't follow me."

"What do you have to do?" I asked. I saw darkness in his eyes.

"I have some business to attend to that's all. " He said then he flew away leaving me standing in the tent.

A Light in the Dark :A fan fiction about Peter Pan (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now