Chapter 26

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Annabelle's POV

I stopped screaming as soon as I realized I might have given away where I am. I hurried up and started to run out of the tent. I saw shadows in the distance. I didn't want to be found yet, something wasn't right. I started to run the opposite way. I heard hoots and hollors of the boys chasing me. I rolled my eyes, I could tell they were gaining on me. I stopped and turned around. I might as well have some fun since they don't know who I am.

I waved my arms and they all flew back except for one. He had on a cloak and was tall. Peter. I thought. I remember that he had a cloak like that in his tent. I started to fly and so did he. It was definitely Peter. I looked down and I saw the oak tree I always used to climb in and I flew down by the base of it. I continued to run and I could hear him gaining on me, I tried to run faster but I couldn't.

Vines came and wrapped around me. I broke them open and continued to run away. I could tell he must have been surprised. He continued to gain on me. He shot out his hand and I couldn't move. I made a cloak appear on me and I looked down.

"Well, well. What do we have here?" He asked. I kept my head down. His voice sounded harsh and evil. "Not gonna talk are you?" He asked. I shook my head no. "Well let's see what you look like lost girl." He went to pull my hood but I managed to somehow find the strength to break free from his magical grasp. I moved back and he looked confused. "What?" He asked himself.

"Didn't anyone tell you that light magic is extremely stronger than dark?" I asked. I ran off not knowing what to do. I didn't care if he followed me. I ended up at the oak tree. It was the only thing that didn't change. I crawled up it and sat down where I used to sit. I wrapped my cloak around me like a blanket.

"You really think you can hide from me?" Peter asked with an evil laugh. I jumped and fell to the ground. I hit the ground and it knocked the wind out of me. Peter landed with a loud thud beside me. He pulled me up and my cloak hood fell off. "Annabelle?" He asked.

"Peter." I replied. But the next thing he did I didn't expect. He held me up against a tree with a knife to my throat.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"What? Peter it's me." I said.

"Who put you up to this? Who is making you do this?" He asked.

"Peter you idiot it's me Annabelle. Hook healed me once I faded out of the dream." I said. "Didn't you read my note?" I asked. He slapped me. "What was that for?" I asked.

"You don't talk back to me." He said. I rolled my eyes. "Now who are you? Or are you just a hallucination?" He asked.

"Peter I'm really here." I said. He stayed silent. "Why don't you believe me? I told you not everything is what it seems." More silence. "Peter I escaped and came back." The rest of the boys were catching up. I looked around and I pushed him off of me and started to run. He didn't try to follow so I kept on running.

I stopped when I ended up at the camp, the exact opposite of where I want to be. The camp was different. There were no tents. I looked up and saw all of these tree houses. I looked at the largest one. That must be Peter's. I thought. I just stood there in awe at how different everything was. I heard them coming back and I hid behind a bush.

"Where did she go?" Felix asked.

"Don't you think if I knew that she would be here?" He snapped. Jeez, he is alot harsher than I remember. I thought. I stayed still and listened.

"Sorry Pan. Just wondering." Felix replied. There was a moment of silence. "Do you want us to send out a search party?" He asked. Peter rolled his eyes.

"Of course!" Peter snapped. "And don't come back till you either have her or have some information." He added. With that all of the boys ran off.

I made myself invisible and walked out. Peter sat down on a rock and he pulled out the locket I gave him. I smiled, he still had it. He read the back then looked angry and tucked it away. He looked right at me I froze, could he see me. He got up and started to walk towards me but passed me right up. I felt relief flow through me.

He walked over to where the bush I was hiding behind. I saw footsteps leading up to where I was standing. I flew away to a cave that I remembered seeing last time I was here. It was the one Bay took me to where there was a waterfall and all kinds of colorful flowers. All the flowers were dead and now the waterfall had the same black water that the sea did.

I closed my eyes and thought of how it looked before and when I opened my eyes there was more grass. I let out a small laugh and the flowers grew back. I smiled, something that looked familiar. I made a thick spot of vines at the cave entrance so no one would notice. I made a bed appear in the one corner and I sat down.

Peter's POV

She ran away but I didn't chase after her. I sent the boys to look for her and I sat down at camp. I pulled out the pendant. What did she mean when she asked if I read the note? Did she mean the back? I flipped the pendant over and read it. It made me mad so I put it back.

I started to sense something. I walked over to a bush and saw faint foot prints in the ground. They all lead up to a point I started to follow them but they just ended and the sense disappeared. I walked into my treehouse. I remembered how the tree houses came to be. When my heart went dark along with the island the border that protects the camp disappeared so I made tree houses instead because they weren't that noticeable. Not everything is what it seems. The voice still repeated in my head.

I didn't know if Annabelle was really here or if it was just a shadow. It could even be someone with magic using a cloaking spell. My heart was dark and I didn't feel any love but when I saw "her" I felt something. I could feel myself hoping that is was her and she was still alive. But the darkness took over and didn't care.

Hey I hope you guys are enjoying it so far! Please vote and comment. I want to thank everyone who is enjoying my story and I hope you guys will continue to. Thanks!

A Light in the Dark :A fan fiction about Peter Pan (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now