Chapter 28

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Annabelle's POV

I have been stuck in this room for days. I'm bored out of my mind. Peter hasn't come to see me. Food just kinda appears. I tried to make something happen but it didn't work. I try not to sleep but I always wake up screaming, not knowing that I fell asleep. I need to get out of here. I thought. I looked at the bed and then to the window in the the roof. I smiled.

I managed to push the bed some what under the window. I stood up on the bed, but I still couldn't reach. I jumped, that didn't work either. I collapsed down onto the bed in frustration. All I did was escape one prison to end up right in another. How wonderful is that. I fell asleep thinking.


I was in the dark room again. The shadows were flying all around. Glowing eyes were everywhere. I felt tears running down my face. Not again, not again. I repeated to myself. I crouched down to the ground with my hands over my ears. I could hear the mysterious whispers of the shadows, overwhelming me. One flew down and grabbed my arm lifting me up into the air. "No! Stop it!" I shouted. More tears and louder whispers. I shut my eyes tightly but they got forced open. I was looking straight into a shadow's eyes. I saw and felt pain. I let out a scream and the shadow let go of me. I fell, hurtling towards the ground. Just as I was about to hit the ground something happened.

I woke up screamimg. When will this stop? I asked myself. I kept on screaming. My breaths were deep and heavy. I finally calmed down but I heard someone coming towards my door. I turned to see Peter walk through the door. Great. I thought.

"How may I help you?" I asked sarcastically.

"Why is the bed moved?" He asked.

"I thought the room needed a new look. Don't you like it?" I asked. He rolled his eyes.

"How did you get the curse?" He asked.

"Curse? What curse?" I asked.

"The shadows you see. How did that happen?" He asked.

"How do you know about the shadows?" I asked.

"Because I do. Now how did you get the curse?"

"Some old lady gave it to me." I said. "Why do you ask?"

"Just wondering." He said. I looked over his shoulder and saw the door wide open. I looked back quickly and stared right into his eyes. He gave me a look, he seemed confused. Maybe if the door is open them my magic will work.

"So how long am I going to be locked up in here?" I asked. I needed to think if a plan.

"Until you tell me who you really are and why you are here." He said.

"Fine." I said. He had a smirk on his face. "My name is Annabelle and I am here for you." I finished with a smile.

"Stop lying." He said.

"I'm not lying!" I yelled.

"Yes you are!" He shouted back. "Now who are you?" He asked

"My name is Annabelle Marie Michel." I said. Pan just rolled his eyes. It was annoying me. "You know what fine don't believe me!" I shouted. I flung my arm and Peter got smacked against the wall and I ran out if the room. I quickly made myself appear away from the camp. I started to run. I didn't have alot of energy so I didn't want to waste it on magic. I kept on running as fast as I could. The only problem was that I had no idea where I was going.

I stopped dead in my tracks as Peter appeared in front of me with his signature smirk. I turn and ran the other way before he could say anything. He appeared in front of me again. I turned once again and ran away. He did it once more and pinned me up against a tree. My mind was racing.

"Get off of me!" I yelled. He just let out a chuckle. I squirmed around but he only pushed my shoulders into the tree harder.

"You didn't actually think you could escape? Did you?" He asked with his smirk. I rolled my eyes.

"Of course I did." I replied. He laughed. I made a large rock appear in my hand but he didn't see.

"How did that work out for you?" He asked. I showed a smirk my self.

"Pretty well actually." I said.

"What do you-" before he could finish I hit him across the head with the large rock that was in my hand. He fell to the ground clutching the side of his head. I ran away before he could recover.

As I ran I realized that he could sense where I was. I didn't know how to get away from him. Maybe I couldn't. I just stopped dead in my tracks. Why couldn't he have just believed me? It would all be so much easier of he would. Just then I felt a presence behind me. I turned around to see Peter.

"It's gonna take alot more than that to get away from me." He said while walking towards me. I didn't say a word I just stood still. "What happened to all that fire you had earlier?" He asked while circling me. "You know you have changed alot since last time and I have to." When he said that it shocked me.

"You believe it's me?" I asked.

"Let's see shall we?" He asked. He pulled me into a kiss and I got visions of when I left him. I could feel all the pain and misery that was on this island. I pulled back to see Peter smirking. "Welcome back to Neverland love." He said.

"That's it?" I asked. "After all I went through to get back that's all you have to say?!" I felt tears starting to firm but j was to angry to let them fall.

"What? Did you expect to just come back and everything be the same?!" He yelled. "Well guess what? I have spent all that time trying to forget about you and now I have! Your welcome to stay because you will not leave this island. You came back because you missed it. Well now you will see what a dark place that it has become and you will live with the fact that it's your fault for all of eternity!" He yelled.

"I'm sorry." I said. I knew that wouldn't make up for it but it needed to be said. He walked over and grabbed my arm. We appeared just outside of the camp.

"None of them that knew you will remember you. I put a spell on them." He said. He dragged me into the camp. "Boys! We have our lost girl!" He shouted. The boys all hollered.

"Now it is time for a game!" He shouted again. He looked over at me and gave a smirk.

Sorry I didn't update last week. I was having some huge writers block. But 8 do want to thank everyone who has read my story and don't forget to vote!

A Light in the Dark :A fan fiction about Peter Pan (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now