Chapter 38

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Annabelle's POV

I ran and I ran. But finally I found where I was going. It was the little cave that I hid in when I first came back to Neverland. I moved the dreamshade and walked in. I closed it behind me. Then I started to cry.

I didn't mean to hurt anyone. I just wanted to show everyone I was done being afraid. I kept on crying. I'm not gonna be able to hide here long. Peter will probaly find me soon. I heard something outside. I wiped my tears.

I stood up and walked over beside the entrance as I pulled my knife out. It got really quiet outside. I quietly looked outside through the vines of dreamshade. There was nothing there. I walked in front of the opening. I moved the dreamshade and as I was about to walk out a force rushed in and pushed me back.

I hit my head as I fell back. I hurried and grabbed the back of my head with both hands and I layed on the ground. I looked up to see Peter's shadow. It flew down picked me up. I was shoved against the wall of the cave.

The shadow stared into my eyes. I felt something draining from me. I don't know what it was. It hurt like crazy. It felt like the life was being drained out of me. After what felt like forever the shadow put me down. I had trouble breathing.

"What- what did." I had trouble getting words out. "What did you to me?" I asked.

"I helped you." The shadow replied.

"Helped me with what?"

"I took the darkness from you." It said.

"What darkness?" I asked. The shadow seemed annoyed.

"The shadows, they spread a darkness through you. That's why you went all mad and power crazy." It said. I stayed silent for a moment.

"Thank you." I said. The shadow seemed surprised that I had thanked it. "But why did you help me?" I asked.

"Let's just say I will need something from you in the future. And I can't have you making bad desisions." And with that he flew off, leaving me to wonder. I healed the back of my head. Just then I heard footsteps approaching the cave. When I looked outside I saw a bruised and tired boy. He looked like he was about to pass out.

"Hey are you okay?" I asked. I got no reply. I ran out to him. I grabbed his shoulder and spun him.

"Are you- James?" I was about to ask of he was ok when I saw the familiar face of James. He looked at me.

"Help me." He said before collapsing into me. I caught him. I kinda stumbled but I caught him. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't leave him, but if I took him back to camp who knows what would happen to him. I dragged him into the cave and laid him down.

I used my magic to heal him. He was still asleep. I looked at him. His hair was shorter than last time I saw him. He was wearing a dirty blue shirt with dark jeans. I decided it would be best to go back to camp.

I placed an enchantment on the cave. No one could leave and and no one can enter unless I allow. It will also let me know when he wakes up.

I slowly walked back to camp. Why would the shadow need me and what for? Before I knew it I was back at camp. I took a deep breath before walking in. But when I did no one was there.

I went to Felix's treehouse and knocked. No answer. I opened the door but no one was inside. That made me nervous I ran into my tree house.

"Zach!" I shouted. No response. I started to panic I searched around the tree house but nothing. I ran outside and climbed the ladder to Peter's treehouse. As I got up I started looking. I wanted to shout but something told me I shouldn't.

I sighlently walked through the hallways. I turned into one hallway to see it was illuminated by one room. I haven't seen it before. I heard voices so I sighlently crept beside the door. I heard voices inside.

"So how does this map work?" I regconized the voice as Felix.

"It should show me where everyone is on the island." The other voice belonged to Peter.

"Ok so which dot is Annabelle?" Felix asked.

"She isn't on here but nobody left the island." Peter replied.

"So what does that mean?" Felix questioned.

"Well last time this happened she was taken. So she was either taken, some one is hiding her, or she knows how to hide it herself." Peter said. I stepped into the room and they both looked at me.

"Well no one took me and I don't know how to do that myself." I said. Peter ran up to me and hugged me. I hugged him back.

"Annabelle your ok." He said. I smiled and held onto him tighter. Felix exited the room and left. "Annabelle what happened?" Peter asked.

"I ummmm." I looked down not knowing how to explain.

"Annabelle." Peter said in a warning voice.

"I know just let me think ok." I said. He nodded. After a little bit of thinking I figured out what to say. "So alperently I got darkness in my heart and that's what made me feel invincible. Then, after I ran off your shadow found me and cured me I guess. And ummm."

"What else happened?" He asked.

"Nothing." I quickly replied. "I came back here and I didn't know where everybody was." I said.

"Well I'm glad your safe. Come on. We should probaly get some rest. You need it." Peter said. I smiled and nodded. He wrapped his arm around my waist as Peter used hus magic to make us appear in my treehouse. We both layed in bed and Peter had fallen asleep quickly.

I decided I wasn't going to tell him about James. If he knew first he would kill him then he would explode on me for helping him.

Hey guys. Oh my gosh I haven't updated in forever! I'm so sorry! There has been alot going on and I was having some trouble figuring out what to write and I want to make sure that the story is good for you.

By the way James is shown in the picture at the beginning of the chapter.

Also I hit 5K so thank you so much!

Also don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT, and SHARE.


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