Chapter 29

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Annabelle's POV

The boys all cheered and shouted out games that I have never heard of before. But the way that Peter looked at me when he said about the game gave me a bad feeling. I broke his heart and he is one to hold grudges. I'm stuck on an island forever that belongs to him and he will make each and every day misery.

"Alright, alright. Calm down!" He yelled. All the boys instantly became quiet. "Let's see. What shall we play?" He asked. He gave me a look. "I have a new game we can play! It's like hide and seek but there is only one person hiding and whoever finds them first wins." He announced. The boys all started to shout and cheer.

"What does the winner get?" A boy by the name of Ethan asked.

"Let's see." He said while pacing around then he stopped. "I've got it! The winner gets a day off from all of their duties." He said. The boys cheered once more.

"Who's gonna hide?" Felix asked. Peter looked over and smirked at me.

"Why don't we have our lost girl do it?" He said. Several shouts yelled out yes. I rolled my eyes. "Something wrong love? Do you not want to play?" Peter asked.

"So what happens when nobody finds me?" I asked.

"What makes you so sure you're going to win?" He asked. His face was close to mine.

"I have a few tricks up my sleeves." I said. The boys just watched and listened to us. I don't think they have seen anyone ever successfully talk back to their beloved leader.

"You have ten seconds for a head start." He said.

"Alright." I agreed.

"Also no magic." He said with that evil smirk of his. I rolled my eyes. "Let's play shall we?" He asked. I started to run away.

"1...2..." Peter's voice was ringing through the whole forest. "3...4..." I started to run. "5...6..." I had no idea where I was going. "7...8..." His voice sent chills down my spine. "9...10" He put emphasis on the number ten. I hurried up and climbed into a tree. The boys shouts and yells got quieter and quieter until they died out.

I heard foot steps below me. I looked down to see one of the boys starting to climb the tree. I climbed to the other side and climbed down a little bit. I jumped off the tree. I managed to land on my feet. I took off running. A small group of boys saw me. I ran a different direction. I wasn't paying attention and ran into Ethan. He grabbed onto my arm.

"Come on. Let's go back to camp." He said.

"Yeah right." I said. I elbowed him in the stomach and ran. I kept dodging all of them but they seemed to be forming groups. As I ran a group surrounded me. They were all closing in around me. I felt my heart racing. I then realized that worrying wasn't going to help. I calmed down and looked around. I saw Felix there. I didn't know what to do so I used my magic.

I appeared by the oak tree again. I turned to run but I ran right into Peter. He shook his head.

"You used magic. That's not fair." He said. I struggled to get out of his grasp but it wouldn't work, not even my magic. "Don't you know? Cheaters never win." He said with a smirk. He made us appear at camp along with all of the boys. They were all trying to figure out who won. "Boys it seems as if we have a cheater on our hands!" He yelled. They all booed. "So now there is one question. What shall we do with her?" He asked.

"Punishment." They chanted.

"I like the sound of that." Peter said.

All the boys started shouting out ideas. I didn't like any of them. Peter had let go of me. I backed up a little then I used my magic. I appeared outside of a cave, Echo cave to be exact. I ran inside and I saw a platform really far back. The cave works like this. You tell your deepest and darkest secrets in order to get across. I didn't need that right now. I turned around and went to a different part of the cave and set up a small camp. I didn't even try and make a fire because they would find me that way.

I heard boys running around. I felt tears run down my face. Peter would find me I know he will. I pulled my cloak around me and leaned against the wall and the floor. I went down to the ground and sat there. I probably just made things worse. What ever punishment there was is probably worse now. God I'm such and idiot.

Footsteps echoed through the cave. I made a wall of stone appear at the entrance to the small room like part I found. I heard pounding on the wall but I kept it up. I made a small light appear in my hand. When I looked up I saw Peter's face. I jumped back with a scream. Peter grabbed my arm and made the stone wall dissappear.

Lost boys crowded around me. Hoots and hollors came from them. I was being pulled and tugged the whole way back to camp. When we got their they took my cloak and I ended up tied to a tree. There was something on them that prevented me from using magic. I struggled to get out of them but I couldn't.

It was dark out now and the fire was lit. All the boys were dancing around it. Their shadows passed over me as they went around. I was scared and didn't know what to do. They didn't decide on any punishment. But I knew better than to think that Peter would let it slide. All of a sudden the music stopped. Peter shouted something but I missed what he said. He walked over to me along with the boys.

"I think it's time." He said. He was close to me and when he touched me I flinched. "Oh don't worry it's not that bad. After all it is your first time." He smirked.

He then backed up. Each of the boys had a cross bow. One at a time they aimed and shot. Each time they would either hit me or just barely miss. I didn't jump at all. I didn't want Peter to have the satisfaction he craved. After every boy took a turn Peter stopped them. Peter stepped up and took his turn. He hit the side of my arm and it made a deep cut. The ropes disappeared and I fell forward.

The boys walked away and I had had a smile on my face. I could tell Peter wasn't happy. I didn't give him what he wanted.

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