Chapter 32

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Peter's POV

Annabelle and I were laughing and smiling. Just like it used to be. I quickly realized what was happening and I flew away. I went to my thinking tree and called upon my shadow.

"Yes?" It asked.

"What happened last night and this morning? The sky was back to normal." I explained.

"Hmm." It started. After a minute or two it tilted it's head.

"What?" I asked in a demanding tone.

"I think I know the answer." It chuckled.

"What?" I asked. I was angry.

"The island is dark because your dark right?" It asked. I nodded my head. "Well the sky is no longer completely dark, it has a hint of light."

"Wait but isn't the island connected to me?" I asked.


"What does that mean?!" I askes slashed yelled.

"It means you have light in you!" It yelled back. "You need to get rid of it or you will be weak again!" My shadow then flew away.

Annabelle's POV

Peter or Pan or whoever he is now was gone all day. I didn't know where he went. We didn't have training today either. Ethan and I were hanging out in my tree. We were on the balcony swinging out feet over the edge. None of the other boys really hung out with me but it was fine. I liked hanging out with Ethan.

"So?" I asked.

"So what?" He replied.

"What are we going to do?" I asked him. He just shrugged his shoulders. "Ugh." I said.

"What?" He asked.

"I'm bored and I need something to do." I said while looking at him. "Let's do something."

"Why?" He whined.

"Because I'm bored. Remember?" I said. He laughed and shook his head.

"Fine." He said while standing up. He reached his hand out, offering to help me up. I gladly took his hand. We ran out to the camp, past the boys, and right into the woods. After a little bit of running we stopped for a break.

"Where are we going exactly?" I asked.

"You'll see." He said with a smile. He then gave me a small push and then took off running.

"Hey!" I yelled. I laughed and ran after him.

We kept on running till we reached a lagoon. It was the same one that Peter took me to when I first got here. I must have zoned out because Ethan was just looking at me. I snapped back to reality and walked with him to the edge of the lagoon. He sat on the edge and dipped his feet in. I sat down beside him and dipped my feet in. As soon as my toes touched the water I jumped back with a small squeal. Ethan started to laugh.

"What?" I asked while laughing. "I didn't expect it to be that cold." I continued to laugh and I put my feet in.

"So will you tell me some of your stories now?" He asked. I just laughed.

"I don't know." I said uneasily.

"Come on. Just one?" He begged. I just smiled. I would have to lie but it won't all be a lie.

"Fine. But you can't tell anyone." I said.

"Don't worry I won't." He said.

"Promise?" I asked.

"Promise." He replied.

"Ok well I'm giving you the short version." I stated.

"I'll take it." He said with a smile.

"Well before I knew about my magic I was just a girl. I had a mom and dad who could care less about me and a brother who was Mr. Perfect but would do anything for me. One night I was taken. I blacked out and woke up on a pirate ship which belonged to Hook." When I said that he looked nervous.

"He abused me and tried to get me to use my magic for him but I wouldn't. Everyday an old lady would come in and use magic on me. I eventually learned how to use it. I needed to run away and I remembered hearing the crew talk about a place where time stood still. A place for people who were lost." I said.

"Neverland." Ethan said with a smile. I laughed and nodded.

"Yup." We both smiled.

"So technically you were a pirate for awhile right?" He asked. I shrugged my shoulders and he pushed me into the lagoon. When I surfaced I swam to the edge.

"What was that for?" I asked while laughing.

"You were a pirate." He said. When he said that I grabbed his leg and pulled him in. He surfaced and we both started to splash each other. We were laughing and having fun. Then out of nowhere and enraged angry Pan appeared hovering able us with his arms crossed.

Peter's POV

I flew back to camp trying to process all of the information. I thought that when your heart was dark that it couldn't turn light again. As I landed at camp I ordered everyone to line up. I noticed two were missing, Annabelle and Ethan.

"Where's Ethan and Annabelle?" I asked. They all shrugged. Then a small boy by the name of Nate spoke up.

"I think I saw them run into the woods." He squeaked. As soon as he said that I flew up into the sky and over the forest. I flew everywhere until I saw two figures standing. I was about to land when Ethan shoved Annabelle and ran off. Annabelle yelled then chased after him.

I followed them to see that they were both laughing and smiling. Running around shoving each other. They went to the small lagoon that I took Annabelle to one of the first times she came. She froze at first and then shook her head and continued. They both sat at the edge and dipped their feet in. They were both laughing and talking, I was too far away to hear them.

I kept on watching them. Ethan pushed Annabelle into the pool and then she pulled him in. They were splashing each other. They both had pure looks of joy on their face. I felt something overtake me. Power rushed through my veins. I became angry. I appeared hovering over them. They both looked scared.

"What do you to think you're doing?" I asked in a harsh tone. Ethan was about to speak up but Annabelle cut him off before he could start.

"We were having fun until you came." She snapped back. I rolled my eyes.

Annabelle's POV

"What did I say about leaving camp without permission?" He asked.

"You said don't do it." I replied.

"Exactly. Now do you-" I cut him off.

"Well you said that we must ask you for premission. But you weren't there so maybe we were looking for you so we could ask your premission." I said with a smile.

"Then what are you doing in a lagoon if your looking for me?" He asked. I saw him smirk. He thinks he is winning.

"Well maybe I fell in." I replied.

"What about you?" He asked looking at Ethan.

"He was helping me out and slipped." I quickly replied. Peter landed on the ground and grabbed me and pulled me out. He grabbed my wrist and started to pull me.

"Ethan get back to camp. Now before I decide that you get a punishment." Ethan quickly got out of the lagoon. I turned to him and mouthed out run. He nodded and ran. I then turned around to see an angry Peter pulling me off into the woods. This ought to be fun. I thought.

Sorry for the delay. I was on on a field trip and I had some bad writers block. I hope you enjoy. Don't forget to comment and vote!

A Light in the Dark :A fan fiction about Peter Pan (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now