Chapter 27

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Annabelle's POV

I must have fallen asleep because I woke up screamimg again. I got a hold of myself quickly and got up and started to run. They were probably tracking me down right now. I pulled up my cloak hood and hid up in a tree. I looked down and sure enough the boys were running right underneath me. Peter was in the lead with Felix at his side. They stopped at the base of the tree. Peter started to give orders but I couldn't hear them. They all split up and after a couple of minutes I jumped down to the ground. I heard someone coming behind me. I turned around to see Peter and the lost boys slowly surrounding me. I hid my face as much as I could.

"Looks like we found our new lost girl." Peter announced. I rolled my eyes and looked around. Some of the faces were familiar. Guess it's time. I thought. I threw my hood off.

"Oops. I thought I was already your lost girl." I said. All of the lost boys who were here when I was first here gasped.

"Pan is that Annabelle?" Felix asked.

"Of course no-" Peter started but I cut him off.

"Yes." I said. I looked over to Peter. "I know your gonna deny it but I'm really here. And you know what I'm pretty sure you didn't even realize that the pendant I gave you was a locket." I said, crossing my arms. He rolled his eyes.

"Take her away!" He shouted. The boys started to come up to me. I stuck my arm out and they all froze they couldn't move. Peter broke free from the grasp. He walked over to me. He stuck his arm out to make me freeze but it didn't work.

"Peter I told you before." I started to walk over to him. "Light magic is stronger than dark magic." I said into his ear. I leaned back and crossed my arms. I felt his hand grab me, it had some type of goo on it. Next thing you know it started to spread. I couldn't move. It's the potion. I thought. From the last time I was here.

"Well now I would like to see you try and go somewhere." He said with a smirk. He waved his hand. I blacked out, the last thing I saw was the huge smirk on his face.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I woke up in a cage. It took me a second to realize what had happened. Crap. I thought. The cage was small and it seemed to be suspended in the air. I let out a small laugh. I used my magic and unlocked the cage. I flew out, then I shut it and locked it again. I made some weight appear in the cage so it seemed like I was still there. I felt the smirk across my face.

I flew to the camp, but stayed hidden. I went into the biggest treehouse, which I assumed belonged to Peter. He didn't keep it locked so it was easy to get in. I walked around and explored the treehouse. Everything about it was beautiful. The furniture, the decorations, and everything else. But when I opened a door to a loft like area I froze.

The room looked exactly like the tent. The roof even slanted both ways. I saw the same bed and the same couch. The mirror was in the same exact place and position. I heard someone open the door I jumped. Then I got and idea I made myself appear on the couch in the room I assumed to be like a living room. Peter walked into the room and jumped. I decided to act all mischievous and stuff.

"Hello." I said casually. I picked up some decoration that was on the table beside me. It was a wooden carving of a flower.

"How did you get out?" He asked. I set down the decoration and stood up.

"You know your alot different now then you were a couple months ago." I said. Next thing you know I ended up being pushed against the wall.

"Answer my question. How did you get out?" He asked again.

"You should know that answer better than anyone." I said. He looked at me and he was still angry. I rolled my eyes. I pushed Peter off me. "Magic." I said with a smile.

"Why are you here?" He asked.

"Really?" I asked. "I came back for you. Hook never killed me." I said.

"Yeah right." He said. I rolled my eyes. I felt angry.

"What do I have to do to make you realize it's really me?!" I asked/shouted.

"You can't convince me." He said. He grabbed my arm. I went to yank it out but I appeared in a room.

"What the heck?" I asked myself. I looked around and saw the door I went to open it but it was locked. I tried magic, it wouldn't work either. I started to bang on the door. "Hey! Let me out!" I shouted. A small window appeared in the door and Peter's face was on the other side.

"You won't be escaping this." He said.

"I wouldn't bet on that." I replied.

"This room makes it so you can't use magic." He said with a smirk. Then he disappeared.

I turned my hack to the door and slid down it. I cried. That's all I seem to do, cry. I leaned my head back against the door. I looked at the ceiling and saw a small window. It was dark outside. No sun, no moon, no stars. It was all just a dark cloudy mess. I took my necklace off and looked at it. I couldn't help but smile. I stood up and walked over to a bed. I plopped down and fell asleep.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I woke up screaming again. I felt my face damp with tears. I wiped my face off and calmed down. I heard something at the door. I jumped and looked over. It was Peter. He walked over to me.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Why are you screaming?" He asked.

"And I should tell you why?" I asked.

"Because I want to know." He replied. I stood up so I was face to face with him.

"You know what I think I get it now." I said. "You thought I died then you went all mad and power hungry just like you promised me you wouldn't." I said. "That's why you act like everyone and everything on this island belongs to you." I said.

"Everything on this island does belong to me!" He shouted. I flinched when he said that. "Anyone who steps foot on this island becomes mine." He was angry. "This is my island." He said. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah right." I replied. He face became red and his eyes darkened, they were full of hate and anger. He pushed me back against the wall.

"I am in charge and weather you like it or not," He paused. "You are mine." He said. He started to walk away.

"Oh great we're back to me being a pet. You know I thought you would get over the fact that I belong to no one." I smirked. "Not even you."

He grabbed my arm then flinched back and let go. He turned and walked out without. The door slammed shut and I stood there frozen.

Peter's POV

I reached out and grabbed her arm. A bunch of images appeared in my head. I flinched back. I stormed out of the room and slammed the door. I flew straight to my thinking tree.

The images were weird I saw a bunch of shadows. I didn't see them that long but I did see them. I recognized them though. Each one of them represents a different type of pain. It's a curse, I used to have ot but I gave it away to some one long ago. She was a young lady, probably older now. The only way to get rid of it is to give it to someone else, but their power must be light. It will then turn your heart dark.

So here is a double update for everyone! This story has reached 2k reads and I'm super excited! Thank you all so much! Hope you guys are enjoying the story! Please vote and comment!

A Light in the Dark :A fan fiction about Peter Pan (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now