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Hana smiles at the Benzaiten shrine in front of her relatives house, as all the parents walked right in:

Hana smiles at the Benzaiten shrine in front of her relatives house, as all the parents walked right in:

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the kids followed with their weapons:

Hana gritted her teeth as Victor Stein kicks the front door open:

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Hana gritted her teeth as Victor Stein kicks the front door open:

Hana gritted her teeth as Victor Stein kicks the front door open:

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Guita held her breath, waiting for the inevitable:

both knew why Tina was so adamant in visiting her dear cousin

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both knew why Tina was so adamant in visiting her dear cousin. It had nothing to do with familial love. Or maybe it does?

Hana debated the question as she held Victoria's little hand:

"お会いできてうれしいです。" the woman said, when she saw Tina at the door

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"お会いできてうれしいです。" the woman said, when she saw Tina at the door.

Tina fisted her right hand, as she screams, "I trusted you to care for my daughter! And you hurt her!" Tina struck the woman's left cheek.

Hana held Victoria closer, as a girl of about nine walked past the car wearing a pink school uniform:

Hana held Victoria closer, as a girl of about nine walked past the car wearing a pink school uniform:

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Hana gasped in realization, texted Nico, and got out of the car. "Mariko." Hana called.

The girl turns around, "はいでもあなたは誰?"

Hana walked towards the girl, "いとこ, ハナて"す."

"そて"すか?" the girl asked.

"うんん." Hana nods and smiles, "You know me, don't you?"

Mariko nods slowly, "I sorry for what mother did to you..."

Hana sighs, "It's not your fault. You were just a kid."

Robert and Tina came out dragging the woman by her hair out to the garden. Mariko turns to see this and cried, "おかあさん!"

Hana saw this as Guita got out of the car. Hana immediately chased Mariko as Mariko ran to the strangers to stop them from hurting her mother. Tina was about to strike, when Hana yelled, "STOP!"

Tina paused and turned, "This woman made your life a living hell..."

"I know." Hana puts her hand on Nico's shoulder, to let the staff down. "But this is not the way to go..."

The woman bowed to Hana's feet, "こ"めん! こ"めん!"

"In what way, then?!" Chase asked as he ready the fistigon.

Hana pushes the woman lightly, "This is your punishment; the guilt and knowledge that the girl you used to torment is now a success and happy, while you are still groveling in the dirt..." Hana turns around, "Let's go."

As they walked towards the car, Molly chuckles nervously. "You scare me, Hana."

The woman screams in broken english, "Like Merryn!"

Tina stops and turns her eyes widens in shock.

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