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Tina walks down the stairs to find Molly cowering behind the couch, "Boo!"

Molly looks up, "Shh!"

"Why?" Tina sat down on the couch, "Who are you hiding from?"

"Hana," Molly admits, "she wants me to write a 13 page research paper in Japanese."

"Why on Earth..." Robert asked.

"Hana's gone ballistic." Molly shook her head.

"Well, what is the research paper about?" Tina asked.

"The current dynasty that rules Japan..." Molly sighs.

"You can BS that..." Nico suggested.

"Don't do that, Hana will definitely not appreciate that." Robert looks at Molly.

Nico scoffs, "Please dad, Hana, of all people, will appreciate a good essay that was BS'd."

"Why would that be?" Tina looks at her daughter.

"Hana Minoru is a legend," Nico explains, "she BS every single written assignment that she has and got an A+ in every single one of them."

"What?!" Tina demanded.

"You're not talking about 'Dear Amanda'," Molly looks at Nico, "are you?"

"Dear Amanda?" Tina repeated, "When I hacked into Amy's laptop, I found out she was getting emails from an untraceable account it was all titled, 'Dear Amanda'. Are you telling me that Hana and Amy were in contact for eight years?! Wow, she is smarter than me."

"Well, there's a shock." Nico sarcastically said.

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