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Half an hour later you sat in a car with blacked out windows speeding along the London streets.

The Doctor leans back, looking disapprovingly thoughtful. Her thoughts are moving too fast to identify any sort of plan.

You turn instead to Missy who is picturing gunning all the rogues down. You wince and she shrugs. Jenny is of course silent as ever. Sensing your worry though, she puts a soft hand on your knee and you meet her eyes.

"It's alright my love, we'll sort this" she says quietly and you feel Yaz listening carefully, also worried. You nod and look out the windows while she sighs.

Eventually you pull up outside an insignificant office building and all get out. Kate had offered backup but The Doctor had wrinkled her nose at the armed guards. She leades you wordlessly into the building and further into a lift.

"Um, why are we going underground?" You question and The Doctor seems to thaw slightly. She gives you a comforting smile as she prods a button, hidden by a little cap. The doors clang shut and you descend.

"Those who don't want to wear a human exterior don't come out in public, the headquarters are here below London" she explains and you realise the scale of this operation.

"You mean there are Zygons walking among us and we can't even tell?" You ask in a high pitched voice.

"Yeah they're mostly harmless" she shrugs as the lift hits the floor.

"Mostly" winks Missy and Jenny shoves her lightly as you all get out.

Looking around, everything is red and seems to be pulsating.

"So what's the plan?" Yaz asks and The Doctor stops, turning to all of you.

"Simple, I'm going to ask the leaders to locate the rogues and warn them. They'll face a sentence if they continue to show themselves" she says and you are worried by her casuallity. "You lot just look non threatening- and Missy if you open your mouth, I'll shut it for you" she says with a smile.

"Kinky" says The other Time Lady with a raised eyebrow. You giggle and she winks at you as The Doctor rolls her eyes.

You proceed further into the chamber, walking into a huge almost completely spherical room with four ugly red creatures you've seen before only in The Doctor's mind. They are very unappealing.

"Hiya" bounces The Doctor and you can't help but marvel at how approachable she was. "It's come to our attention that some of your people are showing themselves to the humans. I'm afraid, as stated by the treaty, that this is forbidden in requirement of the secrecy act, and of course the continued peaceful co-existence of the Zygons and Humans" she says, hands clasped politely in front of her.

"It is not within our power" one mutters with a fairly condescending smile.

"Ah, I was worried you would say that. In that case, I will be forced to make your changes irreversible. You will be stuck with a human exterior permanently" says the blonde lightly. All four Zygons turn and growl menacingly.

"It is no more within your power than ours" one hisses and The Doctor chuckles, stepping closer.

"Is it not? Then why, oh why, would you put an extremely good looking red button right at the centre of your controls?"

They hiss again and she grins.

"This is your chance, I suggest you take it"

In one movement, Missy pulls you behind her so fast everything is a blur as gunshots ring around the chamber, echoing off the red pulsating walls.

"Never underestimate how much I love a big red button!" Yells The Doctor, and they shoot again, so she darts between them and slaps the button before turning with a swish of her coat and yanking Yaz behind her, setting off down a corridor at random, the rest of you just trying to keep up.

"Non- threatening? How was that non-threatening!?" Yells Missy at your side as you pound along, Jenny seemingly just behind you.

"I pushed the button in a friendly manner! Very non-threatening!" The blonde calls back disapprovingly as gun shots echo behind you. Turning another corner you make a realisation you should have noticed a while ago. Pulling on Missy's hand to get her attention, she wheels round and tries to start you running again.

"Jenny!" You say desperately and she straightens as The Doctor and Yaz jog back, wondering why you've stopped.

"(Y/n) what it is?" Asks The Doctor, keeping a firm grip on a very out of breath Yaz while looking around for signs of danger.

You turn and everyone sees very clearly what. There, blinking in apparent bewilderment, were two Jennys.

"Oh god, my worst nightmare, now I've got to share you three ways" mutters Missy in your ear.

You break free, stepping a little closer. Both Jenny's look at you expectantly, utterly identical.

You whip round to The Doctor who has her sonic out and is scanning desperately. She looks down at the machine and shakes her head worriedly.

"Doctor which is it?" You hiss and she meets your eyes worriedly.

"Can't you read the Zygons thoughts?" Asks Yaz but you shake your head. The Zygon didn't just look like Jenny, it was her. Down to her very mind. And you weren't able to read it.

"Jenny?" You say tentatively and they both blink and look back at you.

"It's me my love, your Jenny" the one on the left says as the other looks at her with a frown.

"Don't listen to her, it's me sweetheart" the right one whispers and you look between them desperately.

"Jenny, name the companion I had with me when I first met you" says The Doctor pointedly and they look simultaneously at her.



"Well?" You ask The Doctor who looks annoyed.

"Actually bad question, ok which Jam-?" She starts but Missy cuts her off.

"You know that's not going to work, it has all her memories" she says and The Doctor shuts her mouth, thinking deeply. The gunshots are getting closer again and your breathing is picking up.

"So then we need to ask it something that only Jenny could answer, but not fact" you say and Missy sighs and nods, looking hopeless. But you have an idea. A horrible, sick and twisted idea, but you had slightly more confidence it would work.

"Ok" you say and everyone looks at you. "Ok" you repeat, looking between the two of them, getting ready to potentially destroy one of the happiest relationships you have ever been in.

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