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"Jenny" you start and their attentions are back on you. It's quite creepy actually. They both look at you with the same love, but you know only one truly cared for you. It was a strange feeling.

"I've been trying to tell you for a while now, but this is it" you start. Everyone is exchanging very confused glances behind you and muttering quietly. You ignore them.

"I'm sorry Jenny, but this isn't going to work. I don't think I love you... as much as I love Missy"

That shuts everyone up.

"So it's over. I can't do this anymore" actual tears trickle down your cheeks and you smile though them. "I'm sorry" you whisper. Both Jenny's are blinking in shock. You don't even want to know what the others are looking like.

"(Y/n), you don't have to do this, it works-" starts Missy but you cut her off, placing a finger on her lips. You look back at the Jennys' and cut deeper.

"You're not whole. You're broken, I need connection, and you can't give it to me" you spit and they both flinch, hurt breaking their faces and splitting your heart in half. In one final movement, you turn away and look up at Missy's shining eyes. She looks shocked and bewildered, but it works.

Smiling, you reach up and wrap your hands around her neck, pressing your lips firmly against hers. The fireworks are no where to be seen. You taste only heat and salt, and when you finally break away, Missy looks hurt too. You kiss her once more on the lips before turning back to the the Jennys'.

"Say something" you hiss and they jump. Both have tears in their eyes, but you are numb.

"My love please, I can change for you... I'll do anything you need me to do!" The one on the left exclaims and you shrug, looking at the one on the right. She swallows and her eyes seem to dry. You frown and she smiles a watery smile.

"If Missy is what you want, and she makes you happy, I will not stand in your way" she whispers and now you get it.

Leaving a bewildered Missy, you walk over and slip your hand into the right-hand side Jenny's and kiss her softly on the cheek.

"Hi love" you say and she blinks in confusion. "Run" you whisper, and turn as the gunshots grow closer again.

Taking the hint, the others race along behind you all the way back to the lobby where The Doctor pulls out a key and waves it in a complicated pattern in the air.

Sighing gratefully, you hear the tired thrum of the Tardis materialising and follow the group in. You take off- The Doctor perhaps flying even worse than usual -before you pull to a stop and let go of Jenny's hand. Everyone stands quietly and you try to interpret the silence.

"Someone say something" you say, but everyone is avoiding your eyes.

"How did you know?" Says Jenny, voice breaking and you look her in the eyes.

"If I told you I wasn't happy with you, I knew you wouldn't fight it. You're too good" you say quietly and she lifts her face. "But you cannot believe anything I said just then. In order to get back the thing I loved, I needed to break it" you whisper and a single tear rolls down her cheek. She turns away and you feel a lump grow in your throat.

"Its ok... you finally said what you feel" she says, not looking at you. Tears gather at your eyes and you choke.

"Wait no Jenny please don't do this- I needed you back, I'm so sorry I hurt you, please" you beg as she turns away and closes her eyes slowly.

"I understand my love" she says, but she doesn't, she really doesn't.

"Jenny?" You whisper and she smiles.

"You don't need to say anything, I'll be gone when you wake up"

"What- no! Doctor, Missy! Do something!" You say desperately but they both look at you with heavy eyes.

"I don't mean it! Please believe me!" You cry and Jenny pulls you into her arms as you sob. This was all wrong, it had worked too well.

"I'll always love you (Y/n)" she tingles in your ear and the tears fall thick and fast now. "But I know what you need, and that's ok"

"It was acting, I need you! Jenny don't leave me!" You yell into her shoulder hysterically before she pulls away and wipes her own eyes.

"Jenny you don't have to this" starts The Doctor but Jenny cuts her off.

"You said Doctor, the second it isn't going to work. You said that, remember?" She throws back but Missy tries to talk next.

"Jen I know she loves you, look at her" she says and they turn to you, swaying on your feet, tear tracks glittering down your face as you go numb, chest aching from the running and the pain.

"Don't leave me, they always leave" you sob, dropping to your knees and burying your face in your hands. They slowly recede to your ears as everyone keeps talking but you are slipping away.
You can faintly hear people calling your name, and a dull sensation as they try to prise your hands from your head, but by now your breathing is staggered and you can't talk, let alone beg your love to stay.

"When you wake up" floats across your head, and it registers as her fingers brush across your forehead.

You want to fight, but instead you are knocked unconscious by her delicate Time Lord powers. This may be the last time she touches you.

"I'll be gone when you wake up."

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