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You wake some time later to a silent medbay, tucked into bed feeling lonely and cold by yourself.

Turning your stiff neck to your side you see Missy not far away. Her eyes are shut, hair loose about her shoulders and over the pillow. You don't like it. She hated having her hair down; it annoyed her too much when she was running.

You slide off the bed and are met with a headrush that nearly drops you to the floor. Ignoring it, you fall onto Missy's bed to remain upright. She doesn't move. Unable to resist, you roll on next to her and tuck into her side, inhaling her soft lavender scent. She snuffles slightly and you hold your breath but she doesn't wake. You wonder if she is scared and instantly hate the idea. Swallowing, you take a shaky breath.

"Keep me here
My heart is near
My love has gone away

Tell me true
My heart is new
My love has gone away

It's okay
I know someday I'm gonna be with you
It's okay
I know someday I'm gonna be with you"

"Someday..." You finish and bury your face in her chest, wanting to be as close to her as possible. She wasn't dreaming, you couldn't see anything but you hoped she was at least peaceful.

"Love you Missy"

"Love you too sweetheart" follows into the breathy silence. That's all you need to get you back to a dreamless sleep.

                            *              *               *

"Oh you're kidding me how did she manage that? sorry Missy I'll move her"

You feel the warm hands of The Doctor take your waist and knees so clench tighter in response. She yanks experimentally but you hold yourself against your girlfriend who laughs weakly.

"No it's fine, I like having her close" replies Missy and you yawn as you blink.

"Missy!" you exclaim and she smiles, propped up with some pillows and grinning down at you.

"Hiya love" she says calmly as you reach up and stroke her face. You can't help it, you begin to sob and her expression drops as she brushes your tears away and hushes you.

"I'm so sorry this was all my fault- I understand if you're angry Missy please are you ok-?" You start but she stops you mid torrent looking extremely concerned.

"Love, I don't blame you one bit, it was an accident sweetheart, it was me that got the date wrong" she soothes as you hiccough, sitting up to leave her. Her arms wrap around you and pull you in. You don't resist, nuzzling back into her side and hiding your face from The Doctor.

"Honey I would do anything for you, you will never know how much I truly love you, I just hope you can see it enough"

"I love you Missy"

"Always have and always will" she says, booping you lightly on the nose.

You look up to see The Doctor standing with crossed arms and raised eyebrows.

"Sorry... I didn't want to leave her" you mutter embarrassedly. She thawes and rolls her eyes.

"I gathered"

She begins to tend to Missy's wounds as you move so you're sitting on the edge of her bed, her hand on your lap which you stroke and squeeze when she winces.

The Doctor sighs and pokes her experimentally, making her growl under her breath.

"Actually I think you'll be fine" she says with a smile, and Missy goes to sit up.

"Hang on shouldn't you stay a bit longer...?" You start but both women look at you as though you were missing something. Missy shifts and stands, offering you her hand while you search for any discomfort. She seems to be almost fine, just a little hesitant.

"Love we're Time Ladies, we heal much faster than you" she winks and you take her hand unsurely. The Doctor nods when you look at her out the corner of your eye, but from Missy's thoughts she was thinking more of you than herself. No change there.

"Well so long as you're careful..." you says and she begins walking you out the medbay.

"Ya little hypocrite! How many times have you walked off and tried to stop my hearts when you were ill!"

"Yeah yeah" you sulk and she chuckles.

You walk back into the console room to find Yaz leaning against the dash with a pained expression. Your heart gives an uncomfortable thump but Jenny nods at you reassuringly.

"Braxton Hicks, she's going to be fine (Y/n)" she reassures you all, rubbing the girl's back as The Doctor walks in and gasps.

"Yaz? Babe? What's wrong, where does it hurt?" She demands as Yaz straightens and rolls her eyes playfully.

"Love it's fine, he's just active, and apparently attention seeking too, I wonder where he gets that from...?"

The Doctor scowls but looks slightly more composed. Her breathing is still shallow however and you look at her in concern.

"Doctor sit down" you say and she obeys silently. Not a good sign, she never listens when you try to take care of her.

"Breathe with me" you say, kneeling next to her and helping her as she takes shaky breathes.

"Doctor?" Says Yaz uncertainly and the blonde wave a hand carelessly.

"Mum?" Whispers Jenny.

"Cool it blondie" says Missy, the only one not concerned.

"Seriously I'm fine, right, Yaz come on let's get you checked out babe" she says, rising from the floor and taking her girlfriend's hand. They leave towards the medbay and you stare after them worriedly.

"She's stressing herself out" you say and Missy rubs your shoulder to get the circulation going.

"Yaz is going to be fine" says Jenny warmly and you nod a little unsurely.

"Love you know what the idiot is like, where the human is concerned she's a mess" her eyebrows rise ironically and you smile slightly.

"Yeah, we have that affect on Time Ladies"

"Don't I know it"

There is silence for a moment as you two just observe each other until Jenny cuts in with an eye roll.

"Well should I leave before anything starts or...?"

You blush and look away as Missy smirks at your discomfort.

I'm not that easy she says in your mind and you choke. She was getting a bit too good at that.

"Missy stop it" scolds Jenny, able to accurately guess her line of thinking. She offers her hand and you take it, the other in Missy's as you head off to bed, mind full of possibilities.

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