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You land back at the hospital and step out the box unblinkingly. You needed to get your head sorted before you saw everyone, they were still in a moment that felt like many years ago to you now. You lick your lips and close the door with a swing, letting it click shut behind you.

You round a corner and find Jenny and Missy sitting outside a room on standard hospital chairs. Jenny looks asleep and Missy near so. Maybe you've been a little while longer than you meant to be. The latters head snaps up as you approach, shifting Jenny who stirres then gets to her feet too.

"Um, how are they doing?" You ask, throat dry.

"And where have you been?" Asks Missy grumpily.

"Just looking around" you mutter absently. Your torn face finally seems to seep through as her own face softens.

"Love we were worried" says Jenny and you shrug, shuffling your feet.

"Is everything alright?" Says Missy and you shake your head slowly, letting them approach then hastily wrap their arms around you. You relax and try to breathe as they lead you back to the chairs and tuck you between them.

You bury your head into Missy's shoulder, drawing your legs up to your chest as Jenny tries to communicate with Missy through looks, wondering what was wrong with you, all while rubbing circles on your back. You catch Missy's thoughts; she believes you to be worried about Yaz. You feel guilty that this hasn't even crossed your mind.

"It'll be alright, The Doctor is in there with her" starts Jenny and you nod, allowing them to continue along this line of thought. They whisper reassurances as you try to think without transferring anything to Missy. So long as you kept your thoughts small and unemotional it should work. Still, you shift against Jenny instead just to be safe.

You find yourself drifting off as the minutes bleed into hours, eventually dropping off completely, dreaming about the boy you know is being born, but will in the future be killed and tortured for his kin.

These dreams are haunting and veiled in truth.

"Love? Wake up (Y/n)" you hear, and you blink, aware plenty of time has passed. Missy and Jenny look puffy eyed as they smile gently, laughing when you yawn and sit up. It seemed you were lying across them, and they help you as you slide off, jumping slightly when you are faced with a cat nurse.

"They are ready for you now" she purres with a tender smile and Jenny nods in gratitude, leading the way into the room. Yaz lies in a white gown under clean sheets, smiling wanly in her sleep as The Doctor lies on top of the sheets, stroking her hair and just smiling at her girlfriend. She looks up and puts her finger to her lips, nodding to the corner of the room where you turn to see a white bundle of blankets in a cot. Silently you approach, Missy squeezing your hand as you reach down a finger and stroke his face.

"He's beautiful mum" Jenny whispers, and The Doctor nods proudly, still holding Yaz. They both look exhausted.

You touch his soft hand and his sleeping finger wraps around yours.

"(Y/n) maybe you shouldn't-" starts The Doctor but it's too late, you can already see everything he saw in the first moments of his life. You gasp and pull away, shaking as you feel the urge to vomit. It had been terrifying, so warm and dark to cold and light.

"Easy" says Missy, steadying you as Jenny picks him up and starts bouncing him lightly. She takes him over to The Doctor who cradles him carefully, Yaz waking beside her.

"So what's his name?" You ask and The Doctor looks down at Yaz who smiles sheepishly.

"Well, I was thinking, if you all like it seeing as he's part of our family now...?"

"Yes?" Jenny presses and you wait.

"Gail, it means-"

"Helper, but in Gallifreyan" says Missy, nodding approvingly. "After blondie here I'm guessing? The healer and the helper"

Yaz shrugs and you smile when she catches your eye.

"I think it's a wonderful name" you say and she blushes slightly.

At that moment Gail wakes in The Doctor's arms, fussing slightly as she shifts him to release a hand and stroke his cheek.

"Hiya Baby" the blonde greets, grinning as he blinks.

She looked so proud, you had known she wouldn't be able to resist once he was born and you were happy it had worked so fast. Seeing his continued fussing, she passes him over to his other mother and he whimpers at the loss of contact, finally snuffling into Yaz's chest as she coos at him.

"Hmm yes well I like them too" says The Doctor with an eye roll and you give her a questioning look. "What? I speak baby" she says.

"Actually he said he wants them" corrects Missy and you look at her next. She crosses her arms and winks.

"He's hungry" fills in Jenny, and you all leave to give them some privacy, Missy giggling as you swat at her playfully.

"So you two speak baby?" You question Missy outside and she nods. "Time Lord tricks" she adds and you smile.

"What did you see?" She asks next and you shrug, biting your lip and looking down. She lifts your chin and you roll your eyes playfully.

"Just his first moments. It wasn't anything bad, just took me by surprise" you say and she seems unbothered.

"Well I'm not sure what you were expecting" she says and you agree. He hadn't been around long after all.

"Baby Gail... he's so's cute! He's going to have the best life with them" says Jenny and you stay quiet.

"Actually I was thinking, is he your half sibling? ADHD clown is your only parent so maybe not?" Says Missy to Jenny who shrugs.

"I think we'll just call ourselves Aunties, we don't want to over complicate things" she laughs and you nod slowly.

They knew nothing, they thought only the brightest of his future but you knew more. And now you had to choose your next steps carefully, before there was any chance of him being put in any sort of danger.

You just wished more than anything that it wasn't up to you.

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