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TW: mentions of scars

"Um, wow" says Yaz into the stunned silence, and honestly, you couldn't agree more.

You had decided what The Doctor and Yaz needed was a proper date night, just the two of them like the old days. Naturally you didn't want to do things by halves, so had tapped into one of Yaz's fantasies you had recently caught onto. And so all she needed was to pick one of the ball gowns and get ready.

She smiles and walks forward, running her hands along the beautiful display of fabrics before turning to you as though asking for permisson. You grin and nod, watching her expression rise to one of elation as she starts deliberating. Finally, with three dresses draped over her arm she turns to you, seated on a nearby poufe.

"(Y/n) what's this all about?" She asks and you survey her.

"I think you need a break, from babies and travelling and running and the stress. So you're going on a ballroom date" she raises her eyebrows and you shrug. Her thoughts were pretty loud, you couldn't help but overhear the stress that was still lingering. "If you want to that is...?"

She breaks into a dawning smile and clutches the dresses closer to her chest, bending down and squeezing you in a hug which you try to accept without alarm before straightening up, face alive with excitement.

"I think that's a brilliant idea, oh thank you so much! So where are we going?" She asks and you smirk. Not telling.

"Fine, well what are you wearing?" She prompts and you frown. "You are coming right?"

"Well this is supposed to be your night..."

"And it wouldn't be the same without your three! Besides, it won't be as fun trying on dresses alone" she whines and you roll your eyes.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course!"

Resigned, you stand and start the selection process. This was going to take a while.

* * *

"How's she doing?" Missy says, poking her head round the door some time later. You roll your eyes and she nods understandingly.

"She wants us all to come too" you mutter and she grins.

"Well of course, wouldn't want to miss my love all dressed up, then again, I kinda like her undressed..."

"Missy!" You say, shoving her out the door as she laughs, but you were glad she was more relaxed around the subject.

"I'll see you in an hour, I'll let Jen know" she says, closing the door as you turn back to Yaz who steps shyly out from behind the changing screen. You pause and she does a little twirl.

"Well?" She asks breathlessly and you nod approvingly.

"I think that's the one" you say and she grins, looking down and swishing the skirt.

"Yeah me too, The Doctor always said red looks the best on me" she says, and she's not wrong.

It's a beautiful ball gown in crimson, with beaded flower detailing up the side and round the waist leading to a sweetheart neckline, all finished off with cute lace straps.

You smile and she sits down roughly, kicking one leg over the other and looking at you expectantly.

Rolling your eyes you try on a couple yourself, getting steadily more anxious as none cover your arms.

"I like that one" whispers Yaz and you nod, just breathing.

It was a stunning dress in midnight blue, with a darker lace bodice which would please Missy and fine clear beads that you felt Jenny would like. But it was also sleeveless.

Yaz senses your turmoil and hands you something small and fabric. Unravelling it you find a pair of lace sleeves, slender and delicate.

Smiling, you slide them on and twirl while she claps. This was the one, and you felt confident and sure in it. And that was really all you needed, just so long as your girlfriends liked it too.

An hour later and you are all dressed up, walking along the corridor to the console room. You couldn't explain it but you felt oddly nervous, as did Yaz based on her flashing thoughts.

You turn a corner and hear them squabbling ahead. You catch an image from Missy, and see what they look like. All three wear black tuxedos, Missy's the darkest shade and Jenny's the lightest. They look good together but show a hint of each's personality- Missy's fit with a rounder cut to resemble her purple dress, Jenny's shorter, showing more of her calf with just a bralet underneath. The only one you can't work out is The Doctor who has bizarrely picked a bow tie, but it suits her energy.

Taking a deep breath you let Yaz go out first, watching the back of her neck redden as they all clap. She does a curtesy and The Doctor takes her hand, both of them smiling wordlessly.

Chewing your glove anxiously, you step out to more applause from the women, both Jenny and Missy smiling, the latter doing a wolf whistle when you drop a mock curtesy. She kisses your hand then twirls you into Jenny who does the same.

"You look beautiful my love" Missy murmurs, making you blush, Jenny joins in and lifts your chin so you are looking into her orb like eyes.

"Absolutely stunning sweetheart" She adds with a smile.

You don't know how you could ever have been nervous. These were your girlfriends, the ones you loved and missed always whenever they weren't near.

The Doctor and Yaz lead the way out the doors as you step wonderingly out between your girlfriends into a huge ballroom, ten times the size of a cathedral and decked out with luminous balloons and chandeliers. It looked like an accurate projection of a 20th century ball. Either way, the affect was beautiful.

Realising you had dropped their hands, you turn back to your girlfriends who stand surely, one hand outstretched reach. In comedic unison they bend slightly forward and gesture theatrically.

"Care to dance, beautiful lady?"

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