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TW: mild alcoholism

You three all get back onto The Tardis where you wait patiently for Yaz to be discharged.

Jenny wanders off to make sure all the baby stuff is ready while Missy hovers against the console.

Looking up, you realise she has been watching you shrewdly for a while now.

"Love, talk to me" she says, opening her arms. You want more than anything to fall into her and cry with the stress, but you are so tightly wound you instead shake your head and begin to pace.

"He's fine (Y/n), they're all going to be fine" she says quietly and you finally snap.

"No they're not! None of them are, none of you are! Gail isn't, he's not-" you cut yourself off, shaking your head and kicking out at a pillar. It does nothing to alleviate your turmoil, only resulting in a throbbing sensation in your foot.

You hop about, cursing as The Tardis thrums annoyedly and Missy pushes herself off the dash to approach. You wave your hand to dismiss her and her arms fall to her sides.

"Love please, tell me what's going on, we can help-"

"No you can't! You don't get it!" You exclaim, pulling at your hair and dragging your hands down your face. Alarmed, she tries to hold you but you struggle away and she lets go.


"Just, just leave me alone" you mutter, stalking off down a corridor and away from her. You knew full well that this anger was displaced fear, but rational thinking would have to wait a while.

"I need a drink" you mutter to the wall which thrums unenthusiastically. "Please" you say "just one" you beg and a door opens on your right. You wink at the wall and push open the door, finding yourself in a wine cellar fit with stacks upon stacks of bottles of aged wines and ales.

"Yep, this will do" you sigh tiredly, grabbing a bottle closest and yanking the top off with your teeth. It clatters noisily to the ground as you begin to down it, ignoring the rich taste and burning sensation. At least you could feel something.

You shake the bottle experimentally to find it nearly empty, and roll it away while you search for your next remedy. This happens a couple more times over the course of the evening until you are almost incoherent, your hair wet with spilled wine and throat gasping for water. You didn't care.

You think you begin to feel sleepy around bottle six, only to jerked back to life by some commotion down the hall. Giggling and pushing yourself to your feet, you stand and sway, knocking into a shelf and watching a bottle fall and smash at your feet, coating your jeans in red wine.

You hop over the mess playfully, falling out the door and walking towards the noise. The Tardis helps you, guiding you back to the console room where you find two people stood in heated company. You listen as they talk.

"No Yaz and Gail have gone to bed, I told you we were only just released"

"Well then she didn't leave? I haven't seen her in hours"

"She hasn't gone to bed?"

"I've checked... honestly something is really bothering her at the moment and she won't talk to me"

"Well she won't talk to me, she's so stubborn" chuckles The Doctor. "Missy I wouldn't worry"

"But I am"

"Ok, let's go and look for her then"

You take that as your cue to emerge, finding the timing hilarious. They both look up with the same relieved expression which quickly twists quickly into disproval.

"(Y/n)! You've had us worried" scolds The Doctor as you make your way over, barely able to put one foot in front of the other.

"Love have you been drinking?" Asks Missy unnecessarily, hands out and ready to catch you.

"No" you hiccup and she frowns. "I can do what I like" you pout and she rolls her eyes.

"(Y/n) go to bed" sighs The Doctor, flicking switches and walking toward you. You dodge her and hit a pillar, bouncing off it and rolling to the floor where you snort with laughter.

"No, it doesn't matter" you giggle on your back, both women leaning over you. "We're screwed either way, so I don't care anymore" you say feebly as they exchange anxious glances.

"See what I mean?" Says Missy and The Doctor looks thoughtful.

"(Y/n) what do you mean?" She asks and you cough.

"I mean it's over. There's nothing I can do, silly" you smile and she looks seriously worried now.

"Missy take her to bed, we can talk tomorrow"

"If there even is a tomorrow" you mutter as Missy scoops you up and holds you close, still looking at The Doctor.

"I think she's scared" she says quietly and you boop her on the nose, drawing her attention. She smiles determinedly and starts walking off. "But you have no reason to be love, I'll always keep you safe"

"It's not me you need to keep safe" you say, before your eyes roll back into your head and you finally pass out.

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