Author's Note

77 4 18

I've written six of these things??? I only started writing them in 2021, so much for schoolwork when I could be writing fan fiction. I am also way too invested in these characters now...

Anyway, usual explanation commences:
We start off with pride which is an issue very close to my heart in case you hadn't guessed by now. I felt it important for Yaz to have a supportive Tardis family even if her parents wouldn't accept her. Did you catch both Jenny and Yaz being terrified of the phone ringing? I wonder why that was...

I also threw in a few old faces including Kate, as well as Martha and Donna, both brilliant companions.

Another little reference was The Doctor's bow tie, I couldn't resist it was too perfect.

Yaz's pregnancy was interesting to write as I did a bit of research for it so I hope I portrayed that as accurately as possible for you guys.

Another question, what do you think the child version of The Doctor in Suns wrote? I thought I'd leave that up to you to guess.

And what do you think of baby Gail? I had to include the speaking baby part because I've always loved that about The Doctor in the James Cordon episode with the Eleventh Doctor.

Anyway, I wasn't intending to write this Novella but now I kind of want to write another, if anyone would be interested? I'm finding it quite therapeutic all this writing, a sort of escape from reality. That's probably the mental illness talking though:)

As usual, I do not own these characters, all rights reserved to the BBC, I intend to use them for creative and entertainment purposes only.

This is a big thank you from me, all your interaction makes me so happy to see, so maybe I'll see you in Novella 7...?

Thanks again,

MissWho77 x

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