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You are allowed to sleep that night in your bed, warm and safe between your girlfriends. You wake a couple of times, your bandaged arm heavy and annoying, pressure waking you as it throbs.

Each time you appear disturbed one of your girlfriends awakes or is already awake to immediately comfort you. They take turns to sing you to sleep, humming softly into the dark and running feather light fingers along your spine and hair, sending shivers through your body until you are settled enough to sleep.

The next morning you wake to find them both sat up and talking. They look down at you at the same time, matching expressions filled with compassion. You grin happily and they slide out of bed, both already dressed.

Getting washed and ready you walk with them to the console room, linking arms with one each, Jenny on your left and Missy on your right. Missy is happy from her thoughts, and the feeling is contagious. You lean against a pillar as Jenny starts typing on the keyboard, Missy flicking a couple of switches.

You have no idea what they're doing until sudden music blares out, making you jump. You shriek as Jenny turns to you, wiggling her eyebrows and offering you her hand.

Taking it with a giggle, she spins you round and you begin to dance.

She is light on her feet, swishing her fluffy hair and moving your uncoordinated body with her. You snort before you are flung from her into the waiting arms of your other lover.

She is very graceful too, stepping neatly with a cheeky smile, showing you the next moves as they come so you can pick up faster. She offers her other hand out and Jenny joins so you're all dancing together, shrieking and laughing as The Tardis wheezes at your clumsy displays of incompetence.

The lights take on a strobe like effect and you begin to feel dizzy, knocking into your girlfriends until you all bundle onto the floor in a heap, laughing and trying to untangle yourselves. Your chest twists in pain and you clutch it while you laugh, lying flat on your back and wheezing. Missy notices and pulls out the inhaler she keeps on her, helping you with it before they grab an arm each and pull you effortlessly to your feet.

You cough as they laugh, brushing themselves off.

Just then two people walk in looking thoroughly disgruntled. Your smiles drops as the lights lift and the music cuts off.

"-yeah well, whatever" mutters Yaz as The Doctor frowns. The blonde attempts to help her girlfriend up the deck but Yaz brushes her off impatiently, adjusting her clothes and crossing her arms over her distinguished bump.

"Everything alright?" Says Jenny carefully as the couple look in opposite directions, still scowling.

"Oh what now?" Mutters Missy and you elbow her. She too frowns and you roll your eyes, mentally begging her to have some tact.

"Yeah, all fine. Absolutely brilliant" says Yaz, tone sulky. You see her last image of The Doctor however, and both are more hurt than angry.

The Doctor sighs and pushes past, punching some controls and muttering darkly to herself. You don't want to intrude but her emotion is so strong that you can't help it.

Naturally she was worrying about Yaz not taking her safety and care seriously. Apparently they had just had an argument over the baby again.

"Doctor-" you start carefully, not expecting her to wheel round and snap at you.

"Stay out of my head (Y/n)!" She hisses furiously and you flinch, stepping back before you've even noticed you've moved. Her expression softens slightly and she recedes.

Jenny places her hands on your shoulders to steady you, looking at her mother with a hard expression. Missy looks similarly pissed off. Both glance at you then back at the blonde, clearly worried how this would affect you.

Truthfully you wanted to sit down and curl up right now, but this wasn't The Doctor's fault. She was clearly stressed and tired. Both her and her girlfriend, who was currently glaring off up at the ceiling, muscles tense, were struggling right now, and both had helped you numerous times in the past with your issues.

"Ok, no need to speak to (Y/n) like that" starts Jenny, and you can tell Missy is working to hold her temper.

You squeeze the hand still resting on your shoulder and nod at Missy.

"I'm sorry (Y/n)" says The Doctor, looking truly upset. You understand how hard this is for her.

"Right" you mutter decidedly, shaking off the touch and catching everyone's attention as you cross over to Missy. She blinks and you place a hand on hers, glaring at everyone onboard as you show her what you want. They look carefully disinterested.

"Really? Is that the best idea?" Starts Missy but you squeeze her hand and nod. She shrugs and turns to her friend.

"Ok our choice this time. Come on you, we're getting changed" she says, seizing a surprised Doctor and pulling her down a corridor without time to look back.

"You too, Missy will explain" you say to Jenny who cocks her head. When you don't say any more she shrugs and exits, leaving just you and a curious Yaz.

"Ok, this should be fun" you say with a smile, indicating the opposite corridor.

She follows you all the way, observing quietly when you place your hand on the wall to explain what you needed. Helpfully, a door opens just ahead.

You smile and pull the girl in, both of you pausing to observe the incredible array of colour before your very eyes.

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