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The Tardis door opens as Yaz wipes her face hastily, looking up as you do and clutching Gail tighter.

"Only me" soothes The Doctor and you both relax. "there's someone out here who wants to see you" she says, and you can't quite read her expression.

"Me?" Yaz says and the blonde nods. Yaz sniffs and walks to her girlfriend, squeezing her hand for reassurance. They look back at you and you narrow your eyes.

"Bring him if you want" says The Doctor, and you know she wouldn't say that unless she was sure he could be protected. You follow them out into a cobbled street lined with old fashioned looking streetlights and excess of greenery. If you weren't so wary you would have liked to investigate further. Sitting under a tree in the shade are Missy and Jenny, with someone else leaning against it, blonde hair flopped forward over his face.

He looks up and you catch his eye as you approach, pausing some feet away.


"Me" he smiles and The Doctor pauses, looking between you two fretfully.

"Do you two know each other?" She asks warily and you shake your head slightly.

"Me and (Y/n) met at the Blitz ball, I wanted to talk to you then but a slight bombing got in the way"

"Yeah you could say that" you reply, scrutinising him. He hasn't changed much so maybe this was soon after that for him. Actually did he know about time travel? Maybe, he knew The Doctor and Yaz, so he must know some things.

"Please, I just want to talk to you. Actually Yasmin more so than the others"

She starts and glances at The Doctor who looks back at the man.

"You still haven't told us who you are, and anything you have to say to her you can say to me" it was clear she didn't entirely trust him, and you felt she had good reason.

"Ok fair enough, but I need you all to keep an open mind here" he starts and now you're listening. His eyes fall on Gail and you glare at him, protective of your little nephew of sorts.

"Well for a start you need to keep Gail away from me"

You all freeze. Gail was not a week old, and had hardly met anyone but the crew.

"How do you know his name?"

"Well it would be weird if I didn't" he smirks and now you want to punch him. You're not really sure why, it just seems like a good idea.

"Are you going to tell us who we are or shall I beat it out of you with my shoe?" Asks Missy pleasantly. He smirks and she smiles, really not joking now. Jenny places a hand on her shoulder and she tries to relax.

"You knew who Yaz was, how?" You ask next and he looks back at you.

"Well it would be even weirder if I didn't know her" he says sarcastically and now you're losing patience.

"How old is he?" He asks, looking at Gail and you scowl.

"Four days, why?" Fills in The Doctor. She's looking at the man with a lost expression, like she knows exactly what she's missing.

"Oh" he simply says.

"What do you want?" Asks Yaz and he snaps his head up to look at her. To your surprise he has tears in his eyes.

"Then you'll have to do it soon."

"Do what...?"

"Give him up"

There is a resounding silence as you all digest this.

"Sorry what?" You say and he looks at Yaz.

"Yaz, listen. You're not going to want to hear this but he isn't safe with you. He needs to be kept safe. He is the child of The Doctor yes?" The couple nods blankly and he swallows "then you need to do this. It's too early, you don't know who I am yet but you will, and then you will trust me. But for now this is all I can do. Please, send him away and into hiding. There are people out there who would stop at nothing to get to him" he says quietly and Yaz shakes.

But you can see his point. You saw what happened to the teenage Gail. And from what The Doctor said, that could be in under a year. You didn't even know if that was the first time. The thought makes you shiver.

"Doctor, I don't... I can't" says Yaz, voice breaking as the blonde wraps her arms around her girlfriend.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry but it's for the best. I have to go. We'll meet again soon, I'll look forward to the day" he smiles slightly before pulling out a watch and slapping it hard. With a blinding flash of blue light he is gone.

"We have no idea who he is, I say we ignore the nutter" says Missy into the quiet.

"I don't know, he seemed genuinely upset, and he knew who Gail was. Maybe he's seen something in the future?" Says Jenny thoughtfully.

"That would explain why he couldn't tell us anything if we haven't met him yet. But still, we need to talk about this" says The Doctor, holding a pale faced Yaz tightly.

"So it's agreed, we ignore the nutter?" Adds Missy and you sigh, shaking your head.

"No. I really don't think we can. Whoever he is, he knows what's coming. I'm sorry I should have told you sooner, but I hoped if we could keep him safe it would never happen" you say, finding an unexpected pleading tone to your voice.

"(Y/n), what are you talking about?" Asks The Doctor wanringly.

"Just, just get back inside The Tardis. I'll explain everything."

They look at you uneasily before Jenny takes Gail and they head back in. You follow last, closing the doors and willing yourself to face them.

You hear Jenny return without Gail and face them finally. Accusations, suspicion, concern, sadness, grief, worry. You can see it all.

"I am so, so sorry for what I have to do next"

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