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The next morning you find The Doctor made Yaz stay the night in the medbay. They look happy enough, if both very tired. And Yaz of course looks quite large by now, you hadn't really noticed it until the slight panic of yesterday.

They walk into the console room together, the blonde always keeping an eye on her girlfriend who sits down cross legged and leans against a pillar. You leave Jenny and flop down next to the human who closes her eyes delicately.

"Everything ok?" You say lightly and she nods, breathing heavily.

"Yeah I'm fine" she says determinedly. You get the impression she has spent quite a few hours saying those words over and over to The Doctor.

"It'll work out"

"Will it now"

You take her hand bravely and squeeze it. She turns and smiles as you pull a face making her grin some more.

You push yourself to your feet just as the ship gives a huge lurch, throwing you straight back to the ground again. The lights go out as your face slams against the deck, the ship thrumming in panic as the stabilisers give out. You shriek as it gives another huge lurch, making you dig your fingers into the grilles to stop yourself from sliding away.

"Yaz!" You hear The Doctor yell from your far left but there is too much interference from the Tardis for her to answer.

"(Y/n)!" You hear a couple of times but you feel the second you opened your mouth you would inevitably bite through your tongue.

The ship gives one more huge dip and you hear some painful collisions before it hits solid ground, landing with a thump that shakes every one of your bones to the core.

"Is everyone alright?" Comes The Doctor's voice first and you blink to clear the dust in front of your eyes.

There are some pounding footsteps and you think Yaz is sobbing. You groan, hearing more shuffling.

"Where's (Y/n)? Missy? Where did you see her last?"

"I don't know it all happened too quickly, (Y/n)!?"

There is more footsteps across the deck and you feel two pairs of hands roll you onto your back. Jenny's face swims above you as Missy pulls you into a sitting position, leaning you against her shoulder.

"Love are you hurt?" Asks Missy anxiously and you shake your head, trying to clear the ringing.

"Is everyone ok? Yaz?" You ask worriedly and Jenny looks over at them.

"I think she's alright, Mum caught her quite early on"

Missy has by now pulled you to your feet and is helping brush you off. She checks you over one last time before putting her hand on her hips and glaring at the blonde crouched over Yaz.

"Easy tiger" you say, seizing her arm as she opens her mouth furiously to take a step closer.

"I don't know what that was, I think we got picked up" starts The Doctor, flicking dust off her coat as she too pulls her girlfriend to her feet.

"Is anyone hurt?" She asks and you all shake your heads and shrug, Missy cooling down from anger to curiosity.

"Ok by whom? Who am I slapping with a dead fish for trying to do us in?" She growls and you snort as she flashes you a grin before you all turn in unison to the door.

"Geronimo?" Suggest The Doctor quietly and you raise your eyebrows. After all this time and she still manages to surprise you.

"Geronimo" mocks Missy quietly as you step forward. At the same time one of the console screens flashes to life, static bursting before something appears.

It is a robot of some kind, metal with almost antennae and a long eye stalk out its face. When it speaks the voice is broken and robotic, a rasp filled with expressionless hatred. Whatever it is, it sends dread through you like an electric shock.

"The Doctor will evacuate The Tardis or the Dalek supreme will destroy you!" it demands and you turn to take in the others. Jenny looks worried, Missy furious and The Doctor numb. You aren't used to all of them being overfaced, for their usual confidence seemed inexhaustible. Now however, the tense lines on their faces and Missy and The Doctor's rushing thoughts had your heart pounding in your ears.

"It's ok" you says blankly and all three turn to you with sorrowful expressions. "Doctor you said nothing gets through those doors, that's what you said right?"

She looks at you sadly and you swallow, turning to Missy.

"And who told you that"

"The Doctor did..."

"Rule number one, The Doctor lies" says Yaz when no one else seems to want to respond. You see fear in her eyes as The Doctor stares at her, wondering desperately how to keep her safe.

"Right now, those wooden doors... they're just wood"


Her head snaps up and she wears a hard expression that Missy mirrors. Jenny looks carefully composed.

"Right, you two stay here, (Y/n) take care of her" Orders The Doctor. You don't even try to argue, and neither does Missy.

"I'm going out, Missy?"

"Oh I'm not missing this"

"Yeah, they'll be safe here together" says Jenny, nodding in your direction.

"They stand still for a moment then you step between your girlfriends. You look up at them pleadingly and they smile weakly.

"Stay safe. And... Come back to me. Please" you say and they kiss you on either cheek.

"Always" says Missy and you nod, watching as the three Time Ladies slip out the Tardis doors, making sure to not show too far into the box. None look back and you are glad, for you feel if you were to see their torn and wretched faces even one more time you would surely follow them out yourself.

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