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"He hasn't seen another planet yet" says Jenny, after some thoughtful silence from you all. The Doctor stands up and Jenny passes him to her where she cradles him carefully.

"No he hasn't... I'm not sure it would be the best idea..." she starts but Yaz shrugs and smiles.

"I think he would like a change of scenery"

Right then he wakes up with a loud whimper and The Doctor rocks him gently.

"What do you think sweetheart?" She asks him as Yaz strokes his face. It already seemed so natural to them both. He reacts to their touch, whimpering and fussing as Yaz rolls her eyes.

"You're just as dramatic as your mother" she whispers and the blonde scowls. "Come on, somewhere safe please babe"

"I wouldn't dream of anywhere otherwise"

"And, and maybe you should let Missy pilot...?"

The Doctor stops and whips round with Gail, looking highly affronted.

"There is nothing wrong with my piloting thank you very much!"

You go to laugh, as does everyone else you feel but The Tardis herself beat you to it, letting out a low disbelieving thrum that makes the blonde flush.

"You heard her, you're on babies, I'm on the box" winks Missy. The Doctor allows her, whispering annoyances to Gail who chirps happily as she talks. You imagine it would be very interesting to listen to.

The journey is significantly smoother with Missy piloting, something your girlfriend is very smug about indeed. You land lightly, The Doctor holding Gail still with her impeccable balance. She passes him gently to Yaz who looks happy to have him back before stepping out first and scanning the surroundings with her sonic. You've never seen her this cautious before, you supposed she was simply worried about her son.

It sounded weird to even think of her with a child. In a way, you had always seen her as a sort of mother figure to you. But you were happy to share her, and you honestly couldn't name better parents for Gail than them.

"All clear" she calls back and you walk out next with Missy, Jenny and Yaz bringing up the rear.

You know instantly why Missy chose this spot, it was a beautiful planet filled with waterfalls as far as the eye could see. The infinite suns glittering in the night sky created a beaded glass effect on the water as it fell, illuminating the pale green grass with yellow light.

You turn to smile at Missy, seeing her holding a wicker basket with a very familiar blanket.

"Seeing as I crashed your first date, I thought I should probably make it up to you" she grins awkwardly, a dull flush appearing across her cheeks.

"Don't be sorry, if you hadn't turned up in my head then held us at gunpoint and demanded to see The Doctor I never would have met you" you reply with a snort and she shrugs, laying out the blanket as Jenny joins you.

"This is really very nice of you Missy, of course you need to join us though"

"Well it was going to be for just you two-"

"Please? I need both my girlfriends" you say hopefully and she sighs, sitting down delicately and crossing her legs. Jenny pulls you down on one side as Yaz settles Gail then leans comfortably against her own girlfriend.

Maybe it was a Time Lady thing to sit cross legged like a child.

You eat and drink and talk, just enjoying their company as the suns change from intense yellow to soft pink tones, casting ornate shadows across their faces. You find yourself lying in Jenny's lap as Missy tosses grapes into your laughing mouth. You didn't know how to describe it, you were just... happy.

You are drawn from your peaceful state by Gail's fretful cries, Yaz trying to settle him before passing him to The Doctor who raises her eyebrows and kisses him lightly on his nose, putting her finger to her lips until suddenly he is silent.

"How did you do that?" You ask and she winks, laying him on her lap and letting her blonde hair fall over him. Intrigued he reaches up, grabbing a handful and squealing in triumph.

"Um, a little help?" She says, trying not to upset him as you all rock in silent laughter. He catches on to your responses and yanks harder, pulling her head closer while she sighs.

"Naughty boy, let go of Muma" scolds Yaz playfully, unwrapping his tiny fist and taking him back where he chirps and smiles slightly. He was definitely developing. A point proven when Yaz lies him down to change him and he rolls over and begins to crawl back towards The Doctor. You all stare for a second as he makes small progress then topples over, giggling and pulling faces.

"So Doctor, how does it feel to have your intelligence insulted by a two day old?" Says Missy finally and you all smile.

"Well that was a slight improvement from yesterday" says Yaz and you smile warmly at her worried expression.

"I'm sure it's all fine" you add and she nods, pulling him back towards her and sitting him on her lap.

"Don't worry babe, by the age of three weeks that psycho had already built her first weapon" says The Doctor, indicating Missy and rolling her eyes.

"Yeah, now I feel so much better" mutters Yaz as Missy nods proudly.

"It worked too" she adds and you shake your head fondly.

"Why doesn't that surprise me?" You sigh and she pulls you into her, squeezing you gently as you wrap your arms around her neck.

"Feeling small?" She asks and you nod into her neck where she kisses you lightly on the nose and picks you up with ease, rolling to her feet. You grip her like a koala, Jenny taking your hand and bringing it to her lips.

"Love you, and thank you Missy" she says to which Missy smirks and nods.

"You're both very welcome, I'll just put her to bed then I'll be back out to help" she adds as you yawn. You didn't necessarily like feeling like a child, but you enjoyed having someone take care of you, perhaps due to the lack of care growing up.

You were always the adult, and for once it felt nice to have someone take care of you. You smile into Missy's shoulder and grip her tighter. She chuckles as you grow tired from the walk, jogging you softly as she lulls you safely to sleep.

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