Yan MalPhilIndo x Reader

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(When you forget that this kinda exists-)

Mini recap!

You finally moved into the college dorms, unknowing of the 3 that haunt there. As your first class goes on, you meet Belarus!

As the day went on, you made some friends along the way, and since you were friends with Belarus, you got to meet or talk about her siblings that were there. When it came up to being lunch time, you had gained a thrall of friends- even though some are out of it or just miserably vibing in the cafe you were all in.

You were chatting with a few of the friends you made, sipping a (f/d) while going around the tables. Of course- we cant have a story without an occasional karen right?

"ExCUSE me! You! What are you doing!? Arent you an employee? You are taking a sip out of my coffee! How dare you take whats not yours! Wheres your manager?! Ugh! The nerve of some people."

You stood there with a look of fear, you didn't like conflict, or being in places where you could embarass yourself, so what you did was casually hide behind the tallest friend you had, which was the senior- Kazakhstan.

You wanted to find some sort of safety before your brain decided to commit break down and cry from stess in the situation. Your other friends made a small circle around you, trying to comfort you from going into panic, Bela did the ice in the mouth trick and it kinda worked, but ice wasnt infinite so after your 5th cube- it was gone, and the karen was still going on about how you stole her drink, that was clearly yours.

It took 10 minutes to move you out of the cafe, and 5 of those were of you trying not not curl into a ball and cry. When you were finally dropped off at your dorm, you already had tear streaks down your face and the red puffy eyes was not a good sight, in both ways.

When you finally collected yourself from the emotional meltdown, you went to your room and lied down on your blanket bed, staring at the ceiling and contemplating on what to do for the res of the day, it would be nice to take a break; but the movers still werent here and you wanted a comfy bed.

You sighed, ruffling your hair while walking to the small kitchenette you had, and looked around for something to eat-- like chips and dip. When you got your food items, you went back to your room, grabbing your laptop to watch F/s(fave show) on Netflix to calm down and vibe. Soon after you opened your laptop, there was a small ding! of a notification, 'Oh, Bela is asking if I wanted to go on a picnic with them in the park-' before you could read more the message got somehow corrupted, halting you from responding; and even if you tried, it would shut the message down and place you back at Netflix.

".... Who the hell is hacking me? Im pretty sure that I left my laptop here and made sure to close it... Whatever- I have a phone..."

Thats the thing- your phone wouldnt open the message app, and even if you got it to open your phone would glitch and technically do a blue screen of death. You groaned, placing your phone down and leaving your dorm 'If they dont want me to message, then I'll go talk to them at their dorm'

You were relieved to see that your door wasnt held closed, of course- you didnt believe in ghosts of any sort, since you would have gotten paranoid constantly. You rushed over to Bela's room and politely knocked, seeing the lively girl in a pleasant but casual outfit. "Hey! Didnt expect to see you come to my dorm room after the text- did something happen?" "Yeah- my phone and laptop wouldnt let me into the messaging forum, so i decided to come here- and yeah I'll come to the picnic! I havent been on one in a while."

Bela let you into her dorm, having small chatter while sipping on some tea she made before you came over, it was cool enough to drink and a sweet tea, you never did ask what it was, but it made you feel calm. When you finished up with your chat you went back to your dorm, only to find your laptop notes having 'WHY DID YOU LEAVE US' continuously written, you squinted at it, really deciding to either leave the dorm all together or just have your laptop open in class. "All right- whomst the fuck is doing this- I swear if someone is pranking me im going to yeet them out a window."

You sighed, looking at every nook and cranny of your dorm for cameras or some sort of suspicious item, it was so strange how you had random notes and glitches when most of your stuff never acted up.

[Ghost bois]

Phil was laughing his ass off to be honest, he didnt really understand on how you would yeet a ghost out a window, the other two were displeased with his reaction, but they did want you to stay in the dorm with them.

When they saw you go back to the laptop and type something in the notes, they were oddly suprised that you wanted to communicate. Your responses were those that most would ask, just more on the vulgar side... 'Why in the hell are you glitching my shit up? And who the fuck are you?' Of course they snickered at your response, seeing as you were indeed pissed at whoever was doing this to you.

The boy's response was simple, yet quite annoying to you 'we want you to stay in this dorm, or find a way to bring us with you, we cannot say our names.' You sighed, knowing for one that this might be something paranormal, and finding multiple bones would be a plausible crime, since you didnt really think anything of it- you looked out your window, staring into any sort of tree or below your window, 'there was an obvious connection here... Wonder how they died-' You went back to your computer, doing some research on the college and checking for any deaths that were there.

"...Ah- wonderful, im haunted by 3 dorks... Just wonderful- But hey, they do look nice." The forum you were on said that the 3 commited self death, but most people who have done that dont tend to stay on the mortal plane. "Were you guys murdered?"

(And bam, finally fucking done!)
(1120 words)

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