The Trio of Trouble: Spain/Ame/Japan x Reader

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(Love 🔳!)
(Dunno what im doing with my life)

"I am so sick of you right now! Get out! I dont want you back here you lying bastard!"

You heard your mother screaming at your father, of course- he was caught with a street hoe, 'wonder if she has std's or sti's....' It was a possibility. You heard your mother's foot steps and decided to peek your head out, "mom...need a hug?" She nodded, slumping down the wall, having you there was better, because you kept her from drinking to death...
That was 4 years ago
You are now 17, in highshool, and most likely the lovable outcast that gets bullied by the top 3 jocks. But if anyone else tries to bully you- they end up slapped- or beaten to a pulp. "...can you 3 leave me alone for once?! I dont like it when im followed around by you 3 asshats." You just wanted to go to the graveyard to visit mom, but nooooo your 3 main bullies decided to crash your day- you never told them why on this day of every year you take your free time to spend in the graveyard. You sighed, stopping at the gate, turning around and crossing your arms, they were atleast 1.5 feet away from you almost 2 feet, which made you a bit happier because they understand personal space- "why do you even follow a low life like me? Im not even a bit special- i dont know if your antics are even considered bullying but its just weird." "Y/n, we just wanna know why you come to this dark ass place-" "y-yeah y/n-chan/kun this place is creepy.." "Señorita/Señor...are you into ghosts? Because that seems a bit peculiar..." You stared at the 3, crouching down and picking some small flowers, it was midday and most likely lunch, you hopped over the short gate, smiling a bit at being flexible, but seeing the other going over it as well. You hopped over small grave stones and avoided colliding with larger ones, until you made it to the back, shaded in trees, there sat your mother's grave, covered in moss and vines, which you cleared away.

Angst warning. Sensitive topic.

You placed the flowers in a row on the ground, it was sad, that 4 years ago while in school... Your mother was found by her friends, in her closet, a shattered wine bottle, cut wrists and a limp hanging body. When you got the call, you ran, leaving your items at the school. you didnt care if it was far away- you ran towards home until you fell over on grass, in that small moment, you lost hope for a normal life, people would pity you, bully you if you ever told why you never had a dad or why your mom is never there.

You heard a couple shuffles, then silence, you didn't notice until then, but you were crying. The 3 sat down, giving you more space than the normal 2 feet, the air had a weight and it was heavy. "You going to say anything? She sees you- thats for sure, but you 3 are talkers..." They shook their heads, knowing by the name on the grave that it was your mom.

(Time skip)
(After school)

You looked at the house you were infront of, a shared house, of course the boys felt sorry, so they gave you a room. "....guys.... You didnt have too... I was just fine in the nurses office...." "No, it gets cold and its not very good for your back... Also- those beds are a medical danger- bacteria and viruses are all over that-" you sighed standing to the side, since the door was locked "whatever- not like i can just leave...." '....i need new clothes...' After the door was unlocked you walked in, it was.... Larger than expected, "holy shit- how do you afford this place- like- its huge! " you saw a blank door, seeing the others have respective flags on them "make yourself at home y/n-chan/kun if you need anything just ask." "Uhm...can we go clothes shopping? I-i mean you guys dont have to go- i can just call my friends to pick me up- ...." They were out of school clothes and in their casual clothes "c'mon chica, we'll take you to the best mall, our treat. Maybe we can even get some food there as well, si?" You placed your bag in the guest room, going down the steps- and of course tripping on the last one, you didnt hit the ground because ame caught you. "T-thanks....eheh..." He set you down on your feet, you were hiding a blush- but they knew.

Countryhumans x reader (Oneshots and Scenarios)Where stories live. Discover now