Sunflower- Mafia!Russia x reader

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Am alive-

[No pov
Time: 12/15/1943
Area: Moscow, Russia
Season: Bitter winter]

You were walking around, trying to keep warm in the bare negatives of Russia's winters "Я ненавижу зимы здесь, я бы переехал в Англию, но у меня мало денег, и нет, куда идти после того, как я доберусь туда" (I hate winters here, I would move to England, but I have little money, and no where to go after I get there) you were talking to yourself, everyone else knew you hated it here but you waited for your brother to be released from a prison in germany after the second world war passes. Many soldiers were running though the cold city, some planes flying overhead. You never took real notice of the flag faced man, watching you from the dark alley shadows. "Брат, пожалуйста, будь в порядке и будь сильным. Я найду тебя и спасу тебя. Может быть, после войны мы наконец сможем посетить могилу нашей матери." (Brother, please be fine and be strong. I will find you and save you. Maybe after the war we can finally visit our mother’s grave.) The flag faced man heard you, ducking into his hidden hideout, conjuring up a plan to have you, and your brother saved, but knowing far to well, the Nazis have killed him. He was a good soldier, tough and silent, not letting anyone past him "Secretary, bring the girl outside to me, she is wearing (c/o/y/c) [clothes of your choice]" the secetary nods, going out to find you.

Your pov

"Cyka- why the fucking hell did this war have to happen... We have our own shit to deal with here in Russia!" I was walking home, focusing more on food than how cold it was, my breath coming in puffs of condensed air, my ears were freezing and so were my feet, I just wanted to get home, the scarcity of food not helping much " best end this... Or so help me i will kill your president for being fucking stupid...and Germany too! Him following that damn father of his and losing his brother to insanity 'Oh boy the Arian race, lets make people blonde and blue eyed!' Psh, load of shit" I kept ranting, not caring who  heard. I found my home and walked in, shaking of the snow from my boots .

[3rd pov
Time skip to night
Placement: In house safety room
Form of time: 9:36 pm]

As Y/n got ready for bed, the Secretary put a 'bug' on the house, then moved swiftly back to to the hideout, notifying Russia that you were in a secure area of Moscow. " good, I will meet her tomorrow" Russia sighed, heading to his own bed, seeing it was larger than him, "that girl would make a nice wife to have..."

(End of part one!)

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