the Mafia of rice: Malphilindo x Reader

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Another 🔲)

Well, to say the least your life on the run was going uphill while carrying a boulder, you escaped deadly situations time and time again, but it always lead you back to square one.

You, Y/n L/n, or otherwise known as The (A/n) Assassin (Assassin name, ie: the rose assassin. Thats mine-) you were always out and about, getting jobs from your boss and killing off the corrupt governors, the city counted you as a criminal, and anytime you were seen cops would be on your tail like no tomorrow.

"Yo boss call in reinforcements! Feds hot on my tail!" There was a loud beep, you knew exactly who the boss sent "EY GUYS WELCOME TO THE GUN SHOOT!"

The trio of death, in all honesty, they were always the one to help you out, any other time someone tried to their gun jammed or the feds took them in, its like you were badluck for the rest of the crew except for the 3. You hopped onto a building from an alley and hid in a small crate, among many others, the boys knew your loc(location) and found you faster than the feds, getting you back to hq.

"Geez L/n, how many times do we have to save you?" (Indo) "yeah... You made me miss desert with Halo-Halo..."(phil- obviously) "i was going to have a rice bowl with milo..." (Mal, obviously-) "alright alright...i get it... You guys despise me getting in trouble and needing to be saved like a princess.... Maybe i should take a break.... Head home and relax with no problem!"

They were teasing you, but you did need a break, ever since you lost F/n to the feds and they got death row you were stressed out, which made work a bit hectic. You packed away your suit and weapons, going to your home by travel tube, ending up in your room, you sighed, so many things were going on and you just didnt know how to handle it.

"Im supposed to be strong.... Why now do i feel so helpless... Everything feels like a risk- and if i just risk another person's life I might just risk leaving entirely without a problem" (.... A building hop that purposely fails if you understand)

You kinda forgot you were still connected to the 3, so they were a bit worried, well... A lot worried. They popped into your living room by travel tube, Mal making food right as he popped into the kitchen, phil cleaning up, and indo working on some organizing. You, having good hearing, peeked out of your room, seeing the 3, you walked out of your room and stood by the door.

"Ahem, what are you doing here?" "You were still connected so we came to help. And we arent leaving until you are happy." "Im making mild curry! Since i dont know if you can take asian spicy" "Mal! Dont say that! She might just try it! ...she might just beat your record to be honest-"

You laughed softly, causing the 3 to blush without knowing, you were happy having them there with you. You picked up some of your socks, before having them yoinked and you being put on the couch, phil didnt let you get up and do work, leaving you to pout on the couch.

"You need to relax, Alexa, play Y/n's happy songs!" "PHIL NO-"

well, to say the least your happy songs were sappy and loving, but also up beat- some being f/m(fave musical) and some of them in the language of the 3, making you hide in a pillow when they sang along to their country's song.

(Time skip)

You had fallen asleep on the couch after eating the curry and rice that mal made, it was heaven. The 3 were around you, indo and mal on the sides while phil was having a smirk because he was small enough to be in the middle

"You are so dead when we get back-" "im taking your halo halo away... It isnt fair..." "Shhh! Dont wake them up! They dont even know we like them yet..."

Well, now you knew- you were faking sleep, you had to shut down your emotions to stop from blushing. In all honesty, hearing their voices calmed you down, you decided to move your head onto Indo's shoulder, you heard them bicker- then phil telling them to shush. You would be lying if you werent smiling

"You guys fight to much.... Who wants a coffee date tomorrow?" "....ok!"

You opened your eye, peering at phil, you picked him up and placed him on the floor, going to your room, you looked back at them, nodding your head for them to join you in a cuddle pile.

(E, this was fun- and yes there will be a part 2 for the coffee date~)
(824 words)

Countryhumans x reader (Oneshots and Scenarios)Where stories live. Discover now