"Running gets you no where" (P2)

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(hehe its alive- and so is my will to write insanity)

[Tw just in case of gore and things. Realistic yandere time]

Your sleep has finally stabilized to a decent 4 hours, though it didn't help that you had to have either music or a nightlight to keep from having vivid nightmares. You had been there for a month, peacefully playing card games and things like that with the countries in the Eu, even Britain's children countries came over for a visit (Ame swearing to keep an eye out for any sort of change in China).

Though... The peace soon faltered as two of China's closely looked after 'children' knocked on the door, their eyes showing worry and fear.

"He is coming for her- and it will not be pretty..."

"Hong Kong is right! We even tried to settle him down... We... Kinda got locked in our homes and Asean had to break us out"

Both Hong Kong and Taiwan were the closest of the two looked after by China, and they know from experience how he can be.

You were hearing this from the hall, your legs shaking before buckling from terror, you desperately tried to hold onto the wall to keep you from falling, but even that didn't help with how shakey you were. You were quickly helped up by Poland, an angelic-like wing comfortably cradling your shoulder slightly, you had grown quite fond of him, and he had grown worried for your safety.

The country slowly took you to your room, the guest room of course, it had been decorated by some of the countries that had been there, America being the most prominent with Canada and Australia in second and third. Other than it being decorated accordingly, the bed had many plushies that Poland had given you, yet it didn't change the fact that you were still terrified of what was to come.

There was only so much time before China came to scoop you up and torture your body more than he already had mentally, your mentality had deteriorated more than you had noticed, more anxious and fidgety, jumping at every sound you heard, even if it was a sound you made by yourself. You had given a hug to Poland before he left to get you some water, yet something in the back of your mind made itself known.... "You wont be in danger if you just disappear, right?" It was subtle, but for someone fighting for their life by fear- it was loud, very loud for an anxiety filled mind.

[Tw, Attempted Suicide](Please note that Suicide is not funny in the slightest, and writing of it is rare due to people going for peppy and fluffy... But Im taking this into a realistic mindset)

You quietly rushed into the bathroom across the hall, closing the door behind you, making it look like it was never opened at all, and since it had no lock- you had to be silent. Your hands fumbled with the medicine cabinet, your shakes coming back with increasing time, once you figured out how to open it, you grabbed the common pills, pain killers and sleep pills that they got you, your shaking and panicked form trying to open the bottle with no hope, how come british pill bottles were so much harder to open when in a panic? Either way, with your shakes, pills making noise, and obvious notes of you not being in your given room, Poland suspected the worst, hurriedly opening the bathroom door and taking the pills away, one of his wings holding you back as you gave stressed cries, most of the other countries rushed over at the noise, a wave of understanding crashing on them, you needed to be supervised.

[End of Tw]
(Decided to put half as yan china and half as Worried pol x depressed reader- heee)

Another week has passed, you had refused to eat, only drinking water in rare sips until Poland made you drink at least half a glass, trips to the bathroom required supervision, even if it had to be outside the door- they baby locked the medicine cabinets all over the house anyway- made it impossible to have remotely sharp objects in your possession.

And yet, everything spiraled, the night came and went, and upon inspection- Poland alerted the countries to your disappearance, broken window, and signs of a fight. The red and white country had tried everything to keep you safe- and he wasn't there for you that one time

"Ten drań! Kiedy go znajdę, zrzucę go z 152 metrów!"


You were in binds, hands, ankles, mouth, anything that gave you the ability to get away, all the while, you were back in the basement, seeing the pile of now putrid flesh and visible bones, you had become drained of the torture, even if it hadn't even started, you were still willing to disappear at every chance you got, it was the only way to escape.

The events building up to the next couple days weren't too bad, admonishments and minor bruises, along with wishing for some form of an angel to cleanse you of your pain, most times any dove or pigeon that landed by the window of the basement amused you, that is until China blocked the window with boards, leaving you without sunlight in an almost dark basement.

As 'days' dragged on, your hope dwindled away. China kept torturing you every time he got stressed or angry, collecting small trinkets of your hair and some blood that escaped cuts he created, sometimes muttering things about taste among other insane things that no normal being would do. Of course on a thread held your sanity, because you knew- you knew that once your binds were taken away or chewed through- you would kill the country.

It had officially been one month, how you knew was because China brought a small cake down to the basement, it was your birthday soon, couple days really- and he thought that a cupcake would get you to forgive him? You didn't touch it, not even when he brought it to your mouth.

This resulted in you getting your cheek cut to get a reaction out of you, but your mind and body were numb, there was nothing for you to do there, except fester in your distaste for him all because he didn't like your partner (who was barely any flesh at all now). You had decided to see how far you could survive without having drugged water or food, because you would rather be treated with respect than be a hostage.


It was a peaceful day, China was out at work, and you were successfully tearing at your restraints, dropping down after an hour of struggling to do so,  covering the camera and looking around, you picked up a crowbar that was on the floor and picked it up,  rushing to the door to pry it open in hopefully 3-5 minutes. After you successfully opened the door you skittered about to grab a weapon and the cam recordings, evidence is needed to put someone in jail, or justify murder. You hurriedly ran again going to the back door and out to the backyard, hopping the fence nearby and actually did it without falling flat on your face. You were running like hell, catching bus after bus to get to the EU, finally stopping in Italy to move towards Poland, the lovely country would obviously know where you are once you enter his area, he has his own way- most do- they just appear and save the day.

It wasn't long until you met the border, your tired form collapsing at the border control station while mumbling things about wanting to see Poland and finally being safe, they took the bright decision to call up the lovely country, who immediately left the country collective house to fetch you, worried beyond anything.

Yet worrying will not stop a psychopathic lover that is willing to kill to keep someone they love.

(Part 2 done! I was thinking of merging this with Worried pol x depressed reader after a thing happened with china, for the most part it is shorter than last chapter.)

1378 words

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