"You can't run away forever"

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(hmmm runaway au.... Ya know how I had the non realistic yanderes? Yeah that is shut down for this chapter, have fun~ Try to guess who the yandere is, and no it isn't Japan.)

[EARLY ON TW, GORE, MENTIONS OF BUGS, TOXICITY, CRUELTY AMONG OTHER THINGS! This is a full yandere story, ignore it if you don't want to get freaked out.]

It wasn't fun, y'know... Being chased down by an overtly devoted yandere, though, you couldn't figure out who it was due to how disoriented you were. All you knew is that you had to fucking run.

Lets start the backstory, shall we?

[February 14th, 20xx]

You, the lovely reader, were happily walking around with your then partner (Boy? Girl? Neither? Whatever) having a date with them, of course, you never knew of the chaos that would be a devoted yandere until later that night.

And that night was going to be one where you went from a partner to spouse, but it all faded in a splash and splatter of red and the scent of copper. It was fast, too fast for the human eye to handle,  first you see flashes of a bright red mixed in between the darker of your partners blood,  and then it faded as you felt a prick and a wave of dizziness cloud your head.

Yet, when you woke up, you were somewhere dark, the smell was oddly herbal, but there were other scents that overtook the herbal smell... Rot, the scent of pure rotting- as morbid as it was, you couldn't cover your nose due to the ropes around your wrists. You never fully felt the pain until after five minutes of being awake, you were hanging from your hands, your arms finally screaming at you in pain from the gravitational force of it.

Back to the rotting smell, after your eyes adjusted, it was somewhat easier to see the form also hanging in front of you, your partner's corpse, but this time they were upside down.
(Tw: gore, mentions of bugs, uncomfy things, beware my readers)

They had their throat slit in such a ragged way, the skin torn and ripped, the remnants of the blood that was there was clotted and hanging from their scalp, their hair matted from the blood, but their hair? They were crudely scalped, likely by someone who didn't quite know how to properly scalp someone.

Other than their head, their torso was shredded, organs that couldn't be easily cut out hung in a haphazard way, their lungs having slices and shreds in them, their intestines hanging out, stomach cut into with more shreds, the acid of it either dripping to the floor, or slowly corroding the surrounding tissues, the smell of the acid becoming more prominent as you look at it.

Their ribs were cracked and contorted into ways that looked excruciatingly painful if they were alive, shattered bits of bone, some hanging by cartilage others hanging by tendons- it was a mess of more blood and horrors. Their legs were snapped and inverted- the special pants you gave them for their birthday were shredded and tattered, more blood coating them, bones poking out from their skin, others not yet piercing it.

The worst part? Maggots. They were everywhere, nose eyes mouth the terribly deformed cavity of their abdomen, everywhere an opening was there, even in the dark, you can see them wriggling sporadically from under your partner's skin, and dear god- the unsettling warmth- they produced heat when they fed, the energy the maggots exerted was unsettlingly warm and humid.

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