Czech x Reader

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It was a week, you were no longer at France's house, you were staying with Poland and Czech, having been more happy around the brothers "Uno! Hahaha!" "Plus four Y/n." You looked at Czech with such shock and hurt " man....." Czech sighed a bit, feeling bad "sorry.... Its the rules."

After the game you three went to sleep as it was 11:30 pm, "Night you guys." The said night and you tried to sleep. The thoughts of your ex haunted you, why weren't you good enough? What did the girl have that you didnt? You sighed a bit and got up, taking a blanket and going to Poland's room "locked. Great- Czech you best be asleep-" you waddled over to Czech's room, not locked, but open, you waddled in like a penguin, lookin around 'nice room dude- oh hey- legos- ......' You suppressed a screech, looking at your foot, Lego. You now shuffled your feet not wanting the tactical weapons hurting you "czech? You awake? .....nope-" you carefully got in next to the supposedly sleeping boi. After settling yourself down and facing the edge you felt movement, then a large bearhug "heya, how are you?" You couldnt even handle being this close to someone, you just shrank into the blanket, mumbling things. "Hmm? Couldnt hear ya dear~"(if you are wondering- he thinks its a dream and yes- there will be a loime-)

you stayed silent, being a flustered blanket roll "c-czech you alright?" He nodded, nuzzling your hair, "man your hair is soft~ how could a person like your ex think of leaving this soft hair-"  you poked your head up, seeing that red string, it all finally clicked, why you didnt feel anything from your ex. "C-Czech? U-um....are you sure you are awAAAAAKE-" he was nibbling on your neck, leaving little areas of love, you were trying to stay silent, but small whimpers were escaping, he licked and sucked on your neck, hell you couldnt think straight, he kept going, only lightly hitting your sweet spot. You were soon leading his head back to that sweet spot, panting softly "c-czech? What is poland going to thINk of this?" Czech stayed on the spot, sucking at it and gently biting, soon falling into sleep but didnt let go. You sighed and fell asleep aswell, feeling the soft happiness return to your heart.

Time skip, 7 am.

You woke up to Czech lightly shaking you "hm? Wha- what time is it?" He looked frantic, you saw the time and dragged him back into the bed, cuddling him "yes- you left marks, i know, and i let you. Just hush and lemme sleep. Love you~" your drifted back into dreamland and stayed asleep till 9 am.

After the second wake up you yawned, stretching out. ".....guuuuuyyyys- whats for breakfast?" "Pancakes and eggs dear." You got up, rubbing at your neck "smells good....Czech- c'mere-" he walked towards you and your kissed him on the lips, sitting down "hehehe-"

End for czech x reader-)

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