Birthday Mishap!

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Details: Y/n has bd, countries and family are invited, one karen of a family member was purposefully not invited but came anyway. Y/n is mute.

You woke up to a lovely trail of presents, some small as a way of enticement, yet the  silence was something you would consider odd, you weren't yet moved out but not hearing your (parental figure) in the kitchen was strange. You looked at the time and tilted your head, it couldn't have been 9am yet, it didn't feel like it was- yet when you searched for your phone, it was indeed 9 am.

You decide to pick up the presents and move them to the table, making sure the larger ones are on the bottom and placing the smaller ones on top, stabilities sake. When you hear your name being called by the figure in the kitchen, you get out your phone and type some things out for them to listen to,

"What's with all the presents? It's too early for any holiday celebrations..."

Your (PF) laughed, ruffling your hair and sighing, even they looked pitying. "Kiddo, it's your birthday, remember? Oh, I invited your friends over! And I did make sure not to invite your aunt...." You looked at (PF), knowing full well that wouldn't stop her from coming to cry about needing money or a place to stay while lying about a renovation. "I know... I made sure to warn your friends about her as well, I can't go into details- but they will take you away to a happy place"


As the countries and some other friends came by with presents, Ame and Russia both had larger presents while having a peaceful hostility of an aura around them, although you silently giggled at the sight you gave everyone a hug, even your (Fave country), considering they were your SO.

You typed into your phone again, happily writing and trying to make it short and sweet "thank you all for coming! And for the presents- even though I'm concerned for what is in America's and Russia's boxes...." Everyone nodded a bit warily looking at the large boxes, but you shrugged it off, yet PF sat you down on the couch and carefully moved the pile of presents to make room for a cake (If you do not like cake- then have a pie-). The candles flickered slightly, but nothing else changed about them, they were just candles.

Yet before you could blow them out with a wish, the doorbell rang, you looked at the countries around you and gave a face of such displease, the aunt came anyway- and with that rat of a child-

"PF! Why didn't you call me? If you were going to have a party then at least invite me! Oh my- quite crowded, where is Y/n? Did they stay up in their room?-"

You stood up, hopping over the couch (which made Ame proud-) and walked to the door "Can one of you guys bring the cake? Before the kid gets to it? Or did he already get his Cheeto hands on it-" Ame held up the cake, hissing at the child, who was clawing his grubby hands on designer pants that Ame had ordered for this occasion, telling them that the cake want for them.

"oh don't worry about him, he is harmless- but deary- why would you have these... Things in your house? Are they really human?-"

You whipped your head towards your aunt, putting your phone away and physically signing to her, even though she doesn't know what you are saying- but the others do- and lets just say the countries had more reasons to protect you. You asked your PF to put, or at least try to, your presents in your room, or keep the smaller ones up where the rat couldn't reach them. "Alright kiddo, How about you and your friends go to that place, I'll talk with her, I'll also lock your room so that he doesn't get in..."

[T-Skip 2]

It turned out to be a lovely amusement park, although you all decided to go in groups of 3, everyone couldn't stop minutely fighting over you, even if you had already decided to go with (FCo). You took out your phone and started to type, the clicks from the digital keyboard making the assorted countries look at you for your response "I'll go with (FCo) first, then switch off between you all, maybe then we can get to all the rides and games." Much to some countries' discontent, they agreed and scattered. (This is after having the cake :3)

You were like a ping-pong ball, going all over the park and steadily losing your energy and faith in your legs to keep walking- you decided to sit at a little restaurant with the countries you had with you, texting the group chat your location so that you could go home, it had been 3.5 hours since arriving- you were tired.

When all the countries arrive, you all have food and get into your designated cars to go home, because you still got presents- and the larger countries would happily see your reaction to theirs.

[T-Skip 3]

"I hope you all had fun! But now I need to open presents- and PF finally got my aunt out of the house so we won't be disturbed."

As soon as you entered the house, it was a little messy- probably because of the tantrum tornado the rat-child caused... But you were able to get the small presents from around the house, opening them first before any of the countries'. It was mainly jewelry or game cards for your switch, some of it being old coins from each country, but not too old- those would have cost a fortune.

For each present that was given by the countries, it was normally a set of clothing that you could wear when visiting them, or a cook book for when you want to make their foods. But for both Ame and Russ, it was a large plushie (ame) and a couple ushankas, with a plush bear wearing one- both of them argued about who had the better one, but you shook your head and placed both of them in the corner with you amassment of plushies from the others.

(1073 words)

Short, but me is running low on brain

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