Sunflower- Mafia!Russia x Reader(p5)

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This will be the final of Russia x reader-))

1 month has passed, and nothing was heard from your brother. You were losing hope and Russia could tell, some time when you thought russia wasnt around you would say things like "ill meet you soon. I know that one bomb could hit and kill us.." He didnt want you to die, he wanted to tell you his feelings, he wanted to love you for who you are, a precious sunflower in the wind.

Your pov-
"Russia!? Where you at? I need to talk with you!" After a bit i heard Russia come down the steps, "Yes?" "I need help finding a place, maybe like a good hiding place, you never know with the Germans...." Russia sighed "you are safer here! Hell not even one of the gemaniacs came through here!"

Time skip- 5 days ahead.

You were pacing back and forth, the Amerikans decided to bomb imperial japan, which put the Reichs in the shadows of loss. When a letter came by a carrier, it was a letter from your brother. You opened it with out hesitation, but you wish you hesitated.

Dear Sister,
When you get this letter i will be gone. Please dont cry, you can visit mother's grave on her birthday and i will be there with you. I am writing this in my few hours of being prisoner, some soldiers of russian background are being killed off for fun...and most of the Jewish here are suffering from family loss and starvation, i do wish this gets to you by the near end of the war.

Viktor, your loving brother.

You were devastated, and angry, "Russia! Im going out, for a few days." And you started packing mainly avoiding Russia's questions, and attempts to stop you from leaving. "Y/n please dont! You're going to get yourself killed!" "If it means getting revenge over my brother then so be it..."

You went to the mafia car, which when Russia joined you, you looked at him "you sure you want to potentially die with me? A girl who almost died to the cold, lived in a normal bunker house and still wanted to go to work even if it was cold?" "Yes! If you are going the leader has to show the apprentices how to do the job right, you have revenge- which could go two ways, you fulfill the killing of the reichs but get captured, or have a plan, go after the smaller Kaisers and then go to the reichs. Alright?" You nodded taking the wheel and stick shift, and going 4 wheel drive, flooring it and busting out of the garage. Russia held on for dear life, putting on a seatbelt. "Y/N SLOW DOWN!!!" "NOPE YOU CAME ALONG AT YOUR OWN RISK! IM STILL CRAZY AS I WAS 2 MONTHS AGO!" It took you two at least 2 whole days and 1/2 of a day to get to the german outposts, the speed you were going was probably 95mph.

You and russia shot any german at the post, any cars that were willing to get in were inspected "Anyone who is russian or non german please step out! If you are a german who rejects the way the reichs are doing you can get out. Please move to the sides!" Russia saw some familiar heads. "Hold up! Ey! Amerika! France! Wait- Britain too? Hey guys!" They looked at Russia and sighed in relief "Whats going on with the new girl?" "The germans killed her brother... And is hellbent on revenge...." "Well, she is good, we have poland in another car, he has been through some bad stuff with the reichs...." "Oh- hiya poland! Wait- did a reich do this??" "Its alright miss- im fine-" "no you are not! You are now my new bro, i will protect you with my being"

Now with 6 people against the reichs, and the army that they have- you best bet that the reichs ran off, and dissipated, scattering across the globe.

Y/n and poland stayed with Russia till poland was alright. When russia proposed to y/n she said yes.

World war II is over, but you never know what could happen, when the cold war begins.

That is it for the chapter! Thank you for reading! Now to continue Yandere Sk-))

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