when someone is being a creep to you

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(Another scenarioooooo)
(And a proposal-)

To say that you and your c/ch (Chosen country human) were on a casual date was short of an understatement, it has been about 4 years of you guys going out, and not quite ready to pop the question, but you were happily enjoying yourself.

"Ah, Excuse me/us while I/we go to the restroom..."

You nodded, taking note of how nervous they were (If it is malphilindo- one is getting food, two in restroom-) of course it was normal to be nervous, but you didn't know why they were... Yet what you weren't expecting was for someone that was waaay below your standards

"Hey, I saw that your little date ran off to the bathroom, why not leave 'em and go home with me? I can show you a very good time."

And before you could even decimate this poor excuse for a human about his looks or personality(not that he had one) your lovely date ambled over with a nice look of murderous intent.

"Well howdy friend, ya see... This is my partner, and I'd like it if ya kindly mosey on before I call Texas about a new shooting target, he wants to try out his new shotgun."
A bit of a western accent made it's way into Ame's voice, which sounds kind- but it is very much a threat that any sensible person would understand- and luckily the creep was sensible.
"Aw... And here I thought that he wouldn't have common sense... Anyway- here- bit on the nose but it's your decision."
A velvet black box now sat on the table, he wasn't one to outwardly announce a proposal in a McDonald's- but you didn't mind, happily putting the ring on with a smile while taking a bite out of a burger- to find another ring- as confused as you were- you giggled and placed them on, noticing that they connected into one ring.

"Hmm... Lightweight... You couldn't even handle Grey Goose if you tried... Get out before I shove a molotov down your throat."
As a man of few words, you were thankful that Russia didn't actually do what he said- that would be a jail sentence... Though, before you took a bite of your pryaniki, Russia handed you a small box, your eyes flicking between him and the box, it was an easy yes, considering he treated you like a heavenly being(not biblically accurate-)

For how much he works, he actually is quite tough- in which the guy learned first hand when his teeth got knocked out of his skull. Germany is always prompt about things, and doesn't like interruptions- (This can also be said about your.... Night activities-) after the dude picked up his teeth and ran, Germany calmly stood over you, before getting on one knee and holding the velvet box open without much words, nothing but a curt look and a blush clouding his cheeks were evident. You took the ring and hugged the country, before fretting over his poor hand- which was his writing hand... It is going to be a long week...

Maple boy, as soon as he left the bathroom to see this lower being talking to you- he walked over and shooed the dude away, being nice about it- but threatening to drown him in spoiled syrup after being out of earshot of you. As soon as he came back, Nada said his normal sorrys and wanted to make sure you were alright, of course being the tall 'I tame moose for a living' canadian, he proposed with a full on moose call while showing the ring.

Phil was the most aggressive, giving the dude a flying kick to the fucking face while Indo was trying to get him to stop the attempted murder of the guy. Where was Mal? Getting the food that the 3 of you ordered, while sneakily eating a bit of Phil's HaloHalo and some Indomie that Indo ordered- he would get yelled at later... Either way, as soon as they all sat down, they looked at each other and then back at you, phil taking out the box and then the three of them opening it and showing you. There was a minor argument about who was gonna place it on your finger, but it ended up being Indo.

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