Your little flower- Nk x Hanahaki reader

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You never went outside when japan called to see if you wanted to come to their house, you stayed home, and only went out for a 5 minute break. You soon heard a car and saw both North and Japan 'OH C'MON! WHY CANT A GIRL DIE IN PEACE-' you rushed to your room taking long lasting food, locking yourself in "im fine- im very fine- i dont need a man or woman- i dont need anyone- hell i dont need friends-" you kept rambling to yourself, softly crying as you felt yourself drift from sanity. "Hehehe- friends are only going to try to kill me- i dont need them-" a loud knock came at your door, you scrambled to your small hiding place that you made in the closet, hiding there with some of the dried bloody flowers from your first day of hanahaki, you couldnt admit it, you loved the hard shelled man that was a softie around you- only because you were trusted by him. "Y/n- please come out....its not like yourself to be locked up-" "North- she doesnt just come out at will....she isn't a dog." You silently let yourself slip into a deep sleep from stress and crying, you just wanted it to end.

North's pov
I bust the door in, seeing the mess of y/n's room, and searching for her "y/n- im going to find you and when i do you best not be deAd-" my voice cracked under pressure, when i searched the closet i saw a box and a small figure in the box "oh please be alive-"

No pov
You woke up from your nap feeling the soft bumps from the vehicle you were in, as you looked around you saw North hugging you close to his chest, he was sleeping- you wanted to kiss him but couldnt, you had tears running down your cheeks, some dropping on his suit and hands, you felt so hopeless. The car stopped outside of Japan's house, he knew about your little crush on North for quite a while. "North, get up.... Morning Y/n..." You frowned and tried to get away- but North's grip was stronger than yours ""l-let me go-" "no, im not leaving your side, you mean to damn much to me." Your heart couldnt push through the disease it was prisoned in, your brain on the other hand went full autopilot and did the most logical thing it could,  you knew how often autopilot controlled you, and never got to learn how to control it. Your mind was tired of being heart bound and was not letting your body die in the man's arms, your heart yearned for North, and autopilot is doing its best.

You yoinked north down to your level and kissed him (Japan- why did you take pictures!) He, of course, was shocked but kissed back with a low hum, "so- thats how you felt~ is that disease what held you back?" You nodded, before passing out, you were so tired, it took most of your energy from autopilot to resist to control of the disease. "Lets get her to bed, she survived the terrors of Hanahaki..." You and north then subtly cuddled, any of the asean kids that came near would be growled at, North protected his baby girl with intentions of murder if she got hurt.

(The end! Woooo-)

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