My Prey: Alpha America x omega reader

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-Ame pov-

America was in his wolf form, chasing a rabbit that was above average in size, finding large prey that are usually small is quite lucky. He kept chasing, making sure to get every tuft of fur if he got close, when the rabbit went into a clearing there were seconds of silence and then a peircing scree from the animal, Ame- being the doof he was, strode in and wanted to see who in their right mind stole His prey. "Hey! That was my damn prey! What gives you the damn right to take it!?" "I dont know, not having someone to tell me to hunt? I dont have a pack so i do what i want." The other was also in wolf form, their muzzle a mess of blood from the prey, Ame knew they were an Omega, just by their scent. "So maybe i should mark you? So that you know not to take whats mine, Omega?" "First off, its Y/n, Second off, dont call me an omega, as far as i know, im my own alpha and i go by my own rules."

-No pov-

The two had a staredown, mainly y/n staring while eating, which didnt last long- because they tossed whats left to Ame, which was quite a lot, since they were a small wolf, but not too small. "There ya go, i dont need much, and dont say i took the good parts, the parts i ate arent that tasteful." In all honesty, they still respected Alphas, which wasnt that bad. Ame looked at the rabbit, lying down and eating it, he didnt even have a pack himself, just a lone alpha. "Ya know, you are kind for an omega, you arent even scared...." "Why be scared of someone who is just as lonely, they dont want to kill to just be alone again, thats bad." They had a point, ame was alone, and so were they, so it would be a loss to just kill over a rabbit, but that was y/n, ame is a sassy bitch- "im still going to fight you for eating the rabbit- THAT WAS CLEARLY MINE!" "I dare you, you wont kill me-" "kill? no. mark? Hell yes!"

And thats how it started, and how you got pinned as your human form. You were still struggling, your arms above your head, held by one hand. "LET ME GO DAMNIT! I DONT BELONG TO ANYONE!" "You ate the rabbit, so now, you are my prey~"

you shrunk into yourself, erasing the possibility of being marked. Ame scoffed, his free hand reaching for your tail, which you moved away- you were giving him a hard time, you were smirking like a smartass, that is until he brought your arms up and kissed you. It didnt feel hateful, nor did it feel like he wanted to mark, it felt lonely, craving love and attention.

"You could have just asked... Rude much?" He didnt answer, letting go and hugging you, a man that is an alpha that existed alone. "Just hush, lemme mark you- even if it can be by scent or bite-" "fine, but i probably dont taste that good-" "the kiss said otherwise-"

He lightly tilted your head to the side, nuzzling ever so slightly- which makes you giggle, he smiles softly, nibbling around, before leaving a final mark, by biting on your neck. You held back a noise, he didnt stop after the first bite, he kept going, testing the area with a nuzzle and nibble, any previous bites that had blood on them had a long lick.

It had gotten quite heated- it was way before the rut season, so there was no possibility of getting pups (for either genders/nbs) you were enjoying yourself, but it didnt go further than bites, but you two did cuddle in a burrow as wolves, your tails entwined, and snouts next to eachother.

Its a bit scattered, damn writers block is fucking me in the ass- )

Wb: oh hey a free place to stay for a day-
Me: noooooo-
2 days later its gone and im back to writing more than 300 words-)

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